Computer NetworksNETWORKS

IPv4 addresses available for lease

At Zen Internet Ltd, we have an excess of IPv4 addresses, which we are making available to lease. Any binary multiple from /24 (256 addresses) to /18 (16,384 addresses). 50p/address/month (+VAT) as at April 2023. One month rolling contract – cancel anytime with 1 months’ notice. Guaranteed not blacklisted worldwide.

Phone: +44 1706 902581

We also have a /16 for sale – 65,536 addresses. More details here:




Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

2 thoughts on “IPv4 addresses available for lease

  • Talking of IPv4 addresses, I just found out Zen no longer offer additional IPv4 addresses for home broadband customers and I can't take out a business package to get them because I'm not VAT registered company. 😢 I was going to move over to Zen for that feature but not sure I will now.

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