IPv6 Enumeration & Attacks w/ Tyrone E. Wilson
#IPv6 #DCCyberWarriors #C6S #BreakingN2Cyber
Mr. Tyrone E. Wilson is a passionate information security professional with 24 years of experience in information technology and has a mission to improve as many lives as possible through education in cybersecurity. Wilson also has extensive knowledge in computer network defense, vulnerability assessments, cyber threat analysis, and incident response. As a former cybersecurity analyst for the United States Army, Wilson developed security structures to ensure American intelligence systems were protected from foreign threats. Currently, Wilson is the Founder and President of Cover6 Solutions, LLC; which teaches companies and professionals various aspects of information security, penetration testing, and IPv6.
– Blog Post – https://www.cover6solutions.com/ipv6
– Tyrone E. Wilson (Twitter) – https://twitter.com/tywilson21
– D.C. Cyberwarriors Meetup Group – https://www.meetup.com/dccyberwarriors
– Submit a talk – https://www.papercall.io/dccyberwarriors