Computer NetworksNETWORKS

IPv6 Multicast Scope | Interface Local | Link Local | Site Local

IPv6 Multicast Scope is discussed in the video which actually defines a virtual boundary for IPv6 packet.
Fourth Hexadecimal digit in IPv6 address defines the scope of the Multicast packet.
Fourth Hexadecimal digit=1
Interface-Local : Packet Travel within device, for example, to check some services
Fourth Hexadecimal digit=2
Link-Local : Packet can only travel on a single link, router does not forward it
Fourth Hexadecimal digit=5
Site-Local : Packet can be forwarded by router within a site
Fourth Hexadecimal digit=8
Organization-Local : Packet travels within organization
Fourth Hexadecimal digit=E
No boundaries (Global Scope) : Packet travels with no boundaries





Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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