Computer NetworksNETWORKS

IPv6 Tunneling

IPv6 Tunneling is not new, but has already been used with IPv4. If you want to connect your network over the Internet, you can create a secure tunnel.

With IPv6 this still applies, but additionally, you may want to connect your IPv6-only networks via the IPv4 Internet, or the other way around.

You may have most parts of your network IPv6 ready, maybe Dual Stack, but small parts remain IPv4-only. In these scenarios you can apply tunneling to keep the network connected.

On the other hand you way want to connect your host at home to the IPv6 Internet, without your provider being IPv6 capable yet. There are also tunnels available for that.

We will discuss different tunneling types:

-Gateway to Gateway Tunneling
-IPv6-in-IPv4 (6in4)
-GRE Tunnel (Generic Routing Encapsulation)
-6rd – IPv6 Rapid Deployment
-Host to Gateway Tunneling
-ISATAP (Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol)
-Tunnel Broker
– Tunneling IPv6 over IPv6
-Tunneling IPv4 over IPv6

This is module 7.3 from my IPv6 Essentials Course.

Read the written version of this video and more on my original blog post




Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.