14 thoughts on “Is the CCNA enough to land a job as a Network Engineer?

  • Hello,
    I'm trying to get a job in networking I have experience in this field routing and switching but I don't get any interview calls. Can you please help me through this??😢😢😢

  • I have a compTIA security plus and also I am a CISA I’m thinking about taking the CCNA or AWS I’m trying to see which one would be the most valuable for hiring opportunities.

  • Great Video bro!!!👏🏾 and congratulations on the 1k subscribers!!! 🎉🎉 we literally talked on the phone Wednesday about your channel blow up from 645 to over 1k now. Keep up the good work bro and I’m Proud of you! ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾

  • Is it easier or realistic to go from Information Security Analyst to Network Admin?

  • Does the institution from where you get your degree matter? Or as long as it’s accredited?

  • Knowing how to troubleshoot is so important its the best experience and On the job training. Really good video !!!!

  • What about 2yrs Helpdesk experience plus CCNA, how feasible is getting a Network Administrator role?

    Network> Network Security > Security Engineer

  • Great Channel man you're awesome! I'm currently doing Tech Support at a company i have my Comptia Trifecta and CCNA. Ive gotten them in less than a year. I started my IT journey in Aug of 2023. Im taking my CCNP Encor exam next month and hopefully Enarsi by Oct. That way ill have a year of experience under my belt with CCNA and CCNP. I also built a home network as well. Hopefully ill be able to negotiate a better salary that way

  • Thanks for clarifying this. Definitely true when it comes to higher tier roles, especially engineering level. A degree makes a difference when it comes to no experience. With that being said, the CCNA did get me in IT without a degree, however not an engineering level role. Now that I'm in IT I am going to acquire a degree as it seems to cover the baseline requirements for those higher level roles which usually require 5+ years experience.

  • Enjoying your channel and content. I got my CCNA in 2001 (didn’t review it). Been working in IT since 2001 (23 years). My experience is in Desktop, Server Admin, NOC Tech, Application, Platform Support, Lead and Management). I don’t have a degree, still work on network equipment as part of basic connectivity troubleshooting. Thinking about focusing specifically in Network Engineering and Security. What would you recommend? Degree? Certs? If Certs which certs? Thanks

  • What's the work-life balance of a network engineer?

  • Hey right now I m in my last year of Computer science degree and I was thinking to make my career in networking field but I couldn't find any relatable content on YouTube but after sometime I found ur channel on and things are getting clear from ur videos

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