Is Ubuntu 22.04 The Best Ubuntu In Years?

The new Ubuntu LTS is out. Codenamed “Jammy Jellyfish”, Ubuntu 22.04 sports a really slick GNOME 42 desktop with some amazing themes, icons, and other nice touches that possibly makes 22.04 the best Ubuntu release in years.

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42 thoughts on “Is Ubuntu 22.04 The Best Ubuntu In Years?

  • I just got Ubuntu 22.04 LTS installed on my new laptop. I'm happy with it so far. It's faster, smoother, and updates don't take forever.. I installed KDE desktop environment.

  • Wow. W. T. F. I mean, it was bad enough when they removed the compact view feature from Nautilus; removing the ability to create files is down right sabotage. I suspect the Nautilus team may have gotten infiltrated by nefarious individuals that want to intentionally ruin the program for users. I am so glad we still have proper file managers like Nemo (nautilus fork) and Dolphin around. Mac has equally bad UX, although the feature is slightly hidden on Mac, at least it exists.

  • I can't get my Bluetooth Hardware in my Laptop to work… If anyone Can Help me . I'd Appreciate it ..I have 22.04LST Installed .

  • Waylans also has problems in real hardware, like for example screen-sharing issues..

  • Having distro hopped a bit to try a few out I have settled on Ubuntu. Ticks most of the boxes for me, a NOOB.

  • New to Linux-what is a snap different than normal Firefox?

  • While simply using the UI, you've found at least 2 bugs that lays right in front… Should be no testers in canonical exists anymore

  • You can just press screenshot button on the keyboard. But one issue I have is that it doesn't record other than the current window. Other than that it's great. Although I installed OBS as I want audio as well.

  • 8:38 if it light peepol change it dark. if it dark peepol change it light. i customized my ubuntu yeah LOL

  • I started with Ubuntu somewhere around 16. The community is great but I absolutely hate this version. It's just really hard to do simple things like create a desktop icon that launches a specific URL or boot into a different environment in my case. I've done it before however when booting from an SSD it didn't recognize my downloads and had the settings stuck on autoload for their environment. Not to mention how hard it was to get rid of Firefox and that it decided to mount Firefox as a drive. It was a complete headache and for now I think I'm just going to move onto MX for a while.

  • @20:26 the `apt list –installed` command outputs more to stdout than just the installed packages. When I ran it, there was also a "Listing…" message at the top, so you overcount by at least 1.

  • I "upgraded" to Ubuntu 22.04, from Ubuntu 20.04. I have mixed feelings. First thing was, I had a secure wifi transfer between my smartphone and my production box that was trashed. I recovered rsh for other Ubuntu computers that I connect with, but not yet with the smartphone. Next, gnome 42 is definitely NOT ready for prime time! At best it is a buggy and confusing mess. Just try to get gnome shell working on firefox or chromium. NO CAN DO! The connector will not install. It got to the point that I nearly blew out Ubuntu and went with Manjaro, which I have running in a virtual machine. If I were the only user on this box, I would have done just that. Instead, I installed the Mate desktop, which also installed multiple other desktop choices. I stuck with Mate. It is easily configurable. I am so much happier now! So less stressed. For me the upgrade was NOT worth the trouble.

  • Am I about the only one who totally HATES, and I mean HATES this "newer" or "newish" trend to round all corners and remove all the menus at the top of apps….? I don't know when it actually started to happen but I really don't get why people think its better…. Does everyone think it's pretty? More functional? Definitively isn't that…. Bring back the menus for the love of god!!!! ✌

  • Templates folder is used to create the right click new file in nautilus.

  • I love ubuntu and always will. All it needs to remove are snaps

  • kodi on ubuntu 22.04 can`t install add on?

  • After 10 years of daily driving Ubuntu, and suffering through the last three years with a crazy glitch that infinitely fills my hard drive with log files (expecting every major update to fix the problem but they never did), I have now finally ditched Ubuntu for Arch (due to Steam OS 3.0 using Arch I figured I may as well make the leap).
    It's actually good timing because Arch recently got updated with the "Archinstall" command, which makes installation a million times easier (or in my case "Infinitely Easier" because after two days of trying to resolve a signature key error the ONLY way to install Arch was through the automated Archinstall process).

  • I have never used Linux before and I'm not really wanting to get into the whole customizable stuff and whatnot of Linux. I just need it to run blender and a calculator which Ubuntu does perfectly and it looks super clean.

  • I have upgraded from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04. It worked pretty well, but when I log in (with wayland or xorg) my background picture is not taking the full screen and on the top I have a search bar. I need to click on the reduced background pic so the background pic takes the whole screen. it wasn't like that on ubuntu 20.04. what do I have to disable so I don't have that reduced background with that search bar at the top when I have logged in?

  • I have it running on a VM on PC, on a Pi, and also on M1 Macbook Pro (Qemu). The Pi may be a bit challenged, but it is not actually made for these things. On PC and Mac I switched over to KDE-Plasma, somehow I like that more, but it really works very well.

  • I love Ubuntu for the strong confidence that everything will work on this system and it there are some problems there always will be solution on the Internet.

  • Worst Ubuntu ever. Snaps nightmare. I use Ubuntu since 2006 now can't use it anymore.

  • As a reasonably new Linux user I had just settled in when I saw this review. Straight up I replaced —–36 on a gen4 X1 carbon I am selling and was immediately impressed by the speed straight out of the box, whether opening software or installing it. Adding a bit of colour to icons etc was ridiculously easy also. Thanks for the heads up. I have a new daily driver.

  • One of the only things that bug me with Ubuntu/Gnome is the Nautilus file manager. There's a lot of things that could just be… better.

  • Is It a good idea to install Ubuntu to the hardware either on It's own or as a dual boot set up ?

  • Thank you for uploading this. For a long time I’ve thought of Ubuntu as trying to be polished, but not quite there. But this is the most refined it’s looked in years.

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