is Windows 11 Better Than Windows 10

is Windows 11 Better Than Windows 10
This debate will run and run, it all comes down to opinion. I myself think Windows 11 is better than Windows 10 for many reason, so let me know what you guys think in the comments below.

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46 thoughts on “is Windows 11 Better Than Windows 10

  • I'll wait until I have no other choice than to move to win11, just to get all the infancy bugs ironed out. The position of the start menu was the biggest concern to me, but apparently you can move it to its proper place to bottom left corner with settings. After that open shell solves the most of the crappy UI issues. I then just need to fix the right-click menu to what it supposed to be.

    I hate how MS is trying to force us using illiterate moron UI, I much prefer literate moron UI.

  • Windows XP and 7, were unfinished products, they had some many holes in the system, there should have been a class action against Microsoft, we (mostly) paid a lot for the systems, and almost monthly there was a urgent security patch, support for XP went on for ages, it was used in many tills EPOS systems, and hospitals, not saying we should turn the clock back, but the constant rush to discard working systems because microsoft changed one aspect is not good or very green.

  • I have a desktop running Windows 11 and a laptop running Windows 10. I'll probably just put ChromeOS Flex on the laptop next year and remote into the desktop when I need a Windows program.

  • Windows 11 may have better security but man, that UI…

  • When your Windows 10 system's hardware won't run Windows 11, thanks to M$oft, it outperforms Windows 11 by a very big margin indeed

  • Let's face it, the UI design is awful. XP, Vista, and Win7 all had great UI's. They were colorful and welcoming to the user. Win10 & 11? Now we've gone from a 4-color logo to just blue with an overall cold, rigid design that is unwelcoming to the user. It's just like the design change in McDonald's restaurants of the 90's vs today: warm & friendly to cold & depressing.

  • Nope, it's worse in every possible way. I work enterprise IT, and we're forced to replace perfectly serviceable machines to roll it out. I (literally) just tell people "Yes it's got 11 on it, I'm sorry."

  • Windows will not let you turn off those privacy settings. There is always something reporting back. But, as long as you are just using windows to game, you are fine. Just use Linux for everything else.

  • I'm staying 10 on my server but my other PC is 11 but laptop is 10 and mums laptop is 11

  • About to upgrade my main system and gaming system to Ryzen 9 (for gaming system) and Ryzen 5 (main system) AM4 series so windows 11 it is for me. BUT my system that I have now still works fine so I think I will make it a media center or HTPC and put either Fyde OS or something else on it for the rest of it's life/service to me.

  • how do u get the start menu u have? it looks really cool

  • Nice video, good coverage, but for me? /*shrug*/ Doesn't seem worth any fuss.

  • Hello Brian, being old fogie (i'm in my 60's) , i'm a bit confused. There is much talk about microsoft 'forcing' older machines out, trying to 'force' people onto Win 11 etc. I'm just wondering, is this something sinister, or is it just technology moving on? After all, you'd be hard pressed to find a service station that could replace the wooden wheel should it fall from your horse drawn carriage! ……I guess my main question is, is this something sinister & controlling from Mircosoft……..or is it we're simply being asked to move on with the times?

  • I stayed with 7 till steam did not support anymore, still have that pc and use for non gaming. I built a new one with win10 for gaming. When steam stops support for win 10 I will upgrade it to win 12 hopefully. Thx for sharing When Zorin supports steam, I will mostly stop using windows.

  • I use Windows 11 pro on my PC and Laptop and I hate things about it for example, still not everything has a dark mode thyt is for microsoft and for third party apps. The start menu is straight up trash garbage I just want my app list they could just put a setting to change it to show the app list but no that would be too easy. the menus are inconsitent and many of the menus are inconsistent as well. There is so much bloat and sometimes when you remove some bloatcertain things wont work anymore for absolutely no reason at all. Edge browser might come back with every update even if you change the registry and stuff… it is absolute trash I just use it for gaming and nothing else. I turned off basically nearly everything only kept some things like the editor, paint and the claculator since those are actually useful.

  • Curiosity question. Why are there no super techs out there taking security update features and creating a way to make them work on older operating systems. Like win11 security features to work on 10?

  • I personally don't like the layout of Win10. So I installed a win7 skin. When I eventually upgrade, I will do the same thing to win11.

  • I'm not having issues with 11 pro at all. I turned off many things. 11 though is installed on my two newest systems as system building seems more affordable lately. Otherwise I run Ubuntu and even that might change to Mint or something else as I don't like giving my email to a OS to log in with… just for updates.

  • When someone recommends paying £5 to get a decent start menu, the very first step of Windows useage for users, then there is a very real problem with Win 11. No ifs or buts.

  • WTF Is this TPM Bullshit? How it going to Eff up my Computer and make Hardware Upgrades a Problem?

  • Windows 11 is mandatory if you have a cpu which has E-cores.

  • For me, overall, once after I adapted to it, Windows 11 was better than Windows 10.
    Because of loss of UI functionalities in Windows 11, I installed SystemTrayMenu and MiniBin.
    Still, the start menu sucks, but tolerable since I don't use it much.

  • You're really going to base your Windows 11 gaming performance opinion on Fortnite?? Be serious man.

  • My wife's laptop is Win 10 and we ain't paying for the extended coverage. It's not compatible for Win 11 and switching to Linux is something my wife is hesitant about. On my desktop I've made Win 11 my secondary OS and Linux Mint my primary.

  • I don't like either versions. The only good Windows were Windows XP and Windows 7. Windows 7 was the best one because it added a lot of secure features yet it was user friendly and had all of the features we knew like the start menu. Also a lot of the old software from Windows XP and Windows 98 worked on Windows 7. Then Microsoft killed Windows with Windows 8 which was nothing like Windows with the Metro Theme and no more start menu. And a lot of software that I was using from Windows XP and 7 did not work on 8. Microsoft should have just stayed with Windows 7 and put out regular updated instead of making a Windows 8 then 10 and now 11 which is even worse. It gets worse and worse with every new versions of Windows. The older versions of Windows were better and Windows 7 was the best one and they should have stayed with that. Windows Vista was also good but did have some bugs though these were sorted out with Windows 7. If Windows 7 was still supported I would still be using Windows but it's not. And there are now no web browsers or software that supports Windows 7. So there is no choice but to either upgrade to Windows 10 or move on. In my case I chose Linux for this reason because I did not want to upgrade to 10.

  • My OS should not force me to use third party software to "make it usable".

  • I been using windows 11 for about a year now an i haven't noticed any difference performance wise between it and windows 10. as far as the start menu and third party customization there is a build currently in the dev channel which includes a blocking of such. so Microsoft is pricks wether your on 10 or 11. I did find that microsoft added at least one setting that i know of to the settings menu without disclosing it to users which i bet were going to see more of that behavior from Microsoft from here on out! at this point i haven't seen any proof under testing that one OS is better than the other.

  • I understand and appreciate the security benefits of Windows 11, however for me it's a moot point. I have a top of the range gaming tower from a few years ago and there is still nothing it can't do. There isn't a game that I care about it can't run and it's still really fast. However, it still doesn't meet the specs for Windows 11 and I'm not forking out another 2k+ for a brand new comparable system. Like I said, I understand the security benefits, however, the stated minimum specs are nothing but forced obsolescense, to drive hardware sales. Just because it would be more secure with more modern hardware, doesn't mean that it shouldn't be allowed to be used on older hardware.
    I've got the same issue with my phone. It's a 4 year old, expensive flagship phone, in perfect condition and still runs everything perfectly. Yet it's end of life and no longer getting updates, so it has to be updated and sent to landfill. It disgusting in my opinion. I don't expect companies to support hardware forever. That would be ridiculous, but 3-4 years and having to scrap perfectly good hardware, is deeply irresponsible and greedy. Again, just my opinion, but it's a very strong one.

  • I've been on Win11 since day 1. I'm so used and comfortable with it now, that i actually hate working on a clients PC with Win 10. LOL

  • Besides the UI changes, which IMO aren't a big deal in larger context of the OS, Windows 11 should be called Windows 10.5. I used Windows 11 exactly the same way as Windows 10, just as an OS that you use to launch third party software. Any inconveniences with the UI, you can probably use a third party programs like startisback to revert or mimic older Windows, though I recommend just learning the new UI. With that said in an alternative timeline, I wish MS evolved Windows 7 UI, instead of the Windows 8/10/11 UI evolution, which offers a inferior experience for mouse/keyboard with a still barely usable touch interface.

  • Hi I have been having problems with the Captcha thing, it constantly pops up when trying to login to sites like ebay, yahoo mail paypal etc. It also keeps popping up when doing any search' on google. I don't know if this is caused by my ISP, Google, windows 11, or malware. I am tethering off a pixel6 phone on Android 14 on 5G (Three network) Sometimes a reboot will clear the Captcha blockers, sometimes I have to reboot the phone. I have done reinstalls of windows 11, changed my motherboard for one with TPM, that didn't help so I bought a whole new computer, that didn't help either, I have tried several different phones including and old windows phone on 4G. I still keep getting the Captcha virus.

  • My question concerns external hard drives and going from Windows 10 to Windows 11. I currently have a refurbished HP Z440 PC with Windows 10 using four Seagate external hard drives for all my data. Downloads, documents, and photos and the Seagate 5 TB Backup Plus hard drive all four are HDD. No data is on the internal C hard drive aside from W10 OS programs and Kaspersky and Canon camera programs. A brand new Dell XPS 8960 with windows 11 is on the way. As far as the 5 TB Backup Plus hard drive is concerned, there are HP programs in there dating back to 2019. I imagine that this hard drive with it's data will be incompatible with a Dell PC? Do I format this drive wiping out all it's data? Can I still use the other drives as is?

  • About older systems, as always, it's about having a secure browser, an antivirus+firewall that is getting definition updates, and being hardware and software literate.

    Considering there are modern browsers (e.g. Supermium) that work on Windows 2000, and there are Antiviruses like Avast that are still getting support and updates of virus definitions for their Windows XP version, I'd say a literate user can definitely use any system past Windows 2000 on the internet without risking anything more than a modern normie user on Windows 10 or 11.

    That said, the key is being literate. If you download random stuff and execute it, if you visit malicious sites, and such, you won't have a good time. But likely you won't even on a modern system as day 0 exploits do exist and if you get one before it's promptly patched, you will be boned.
    Having a modern system is just a 99% effective parachute for the software illiterate (majority of users).

    If you know what you're doing, you won't get any trouble on your pc, ever.

    This is the reason tech channels still get those "stupid comments" saying using older system is fine.
    Just having a blanket statement "if you're not 100% up to date you're as good as hacked" is also very much false, likewise.

    I would also like to add that a lot of "hacks" require you being targeted specifically.
    And about that, sorry to break it out to you, depending on the level of the hacker, you will get hacked even on windows 11 if said hacker decides you're their target. No security updates will protect you. Point is that this type of targeted hack is just unlikely.
    For everything else, updated AV, modern secure browser, and knowing what you're doing, and you're fine.

  • I just recently upgraded from Windows 10 to 11. Aside from a couple of minor quirks I've noticed, and of course some differences to the UI and such, it seems to be working fine and so far is compatible with the various programs I use. Overall I'm satisfied with using Windows 11 and I find it's much like using Windows 10.

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