Is Windows REMOVING Local Accounts?
Today we talk about local accounts and how Microsoft is removing local account documentation. Is this a plan for a future push? Today we discuss.
#microsoft #windows #linux
00:00 – Intro
02:50 – Pushing the MS Account
04:45 – Stealth Documentation Change
06:55 – The Document Changes
08:30 – Local Accounts Under Attack
09:45 – Windows is NOT Easy Anymore
13:30 – A Quick Look at Linux
17:45 – Finding Software on Linux
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by Switched to Linux
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Every time I hear something new about Windows 11 makes me more and more glad I don't have it. None of my four PCs meets the "Hardware Minimum", and frankly, I'm glad. Three of them run Windows 10, which will be end of life October next year. These computers all do their jobs perfectly well. I REFUSE to throw away perfectly good computers just because Lord Almighty Microsoft says so.
So what am I going to do? Easy. The machine that runs XP will stay running XP. I use it solely to run software that would no longer work after Windows 7 (and as far as I know there is no alternative software). One of my Windows 10 machines, which I use for music and video production, spends 99% of its time offline anyway, so it will instead become 100% offline. The other two will become Linux machines. Simple as that.
I can't help thinking that Microsoft has done Linux an ENORMOUS favour!
The news is the exact opposite: Microsoft has decided not to remove the instructions on how to have a local accouint. Sorry, put the Linux propaganda back in the toilet, where it always comes from.
Finally jumped to Linux two years ago. Everything works without online accounts or subscriptions! Kudos to the Linux Developers out there who spend their "free" time working on Linux! A good movie comes to mind "Anti-Trust".
M$oft long envied Apple's tying people into the iCloud nonsense
Those cheep N100 computer (or refurbished business PCs sold for peanuts) look more and more recommendable for people willing to try Linux too. They can keep their windows machine for gaming / specific work suite stuck on windows and have a private Linux machine the size of a book that does internet stuff and productivity easy and is a practical alternative to portable Linux because I believe that a lot of people nowadays feel stuck because of those two use case.
I still have plenty of local accounts everywhere 😂 and they haven't been deleted.
With Rufus there is an optional checkbox when creating a bootable USB drive to skip creating a Microsoft account.
i have to pirate Windows 11 LTSC IoT if i have to just use a Local Account! suck it windows
i would love to use Linux if friggin Avermedia works which most cases it doesn't, My AverMedia C027 is already gunna have a hard time to be used with any Windows newer than 10 because AverMedia refuse to get Windows 11 drivers for it and heck they won't even get me Linux drivers for it either :/ do u know solutions for it without spendin' money for a new graphics card or am i'm in a loss? :/
This is in the core of Microsoft's philosophy which is you. Don't own your computer. We do. Goodbye Windows hello Linux screw you Ms
i'm currently on Cachy OS. My HP laptop doesn't really like ubuntu stuff and I heard a bit about Cachy so i wanted to give it a try and i've been on there for a bit. It's Arch Based.
It seems that MSFT is doing all it can to ensure that Windows 10 users switch to Linux once Windows 10 goes EOL.
Microsoft can't. Literally cant without loosing all their billions of enterprise clients. Domain joined computers in secure environments need a local account for tech support management reasons.
Just the way MS Windows takes control of your system JUST FOR UPDATES is telling.
about to switch to LTSC
thanks guys
Answering the question: yes, you can log into your account without intenet.
For now at least)
Shift+F10 or other similar workaround with command line dosn't work any more…. I would bet that for at least half a year.
They're trying to deliberately phuck it up. That's the only logical conclusion. Well i dumped windows about 8 years ago so phuck them.
Spot on
My favorite Linux distro is Feren OS. It's like Linux Mint, but with KDE as the default Desktop Environment. It's glorious.
I have several thumb drives with Windows 11 10 and xp on it from several years ago. Take that one windows
Switched to Linux about a year ago. No longer think about Windows. Peaceful.
All I want to do is watch YouTube and write. Linux Mint for me.
one of my customers had dropbox 4tb. he uploaded all his favourite movies too it that he had gathered over the last 20 years including black and white classic movies.
he has the original dvd's but used handbrake to compress the video files to mp4 to store in the cloud
They simply sent him an email saying he had not complied with their terms, regarding piracy and deleted the account AND the entire content !!
the reason he had a 4tb drop box in the first place, was because he only had a 240gb ssd and wants to watch the movies when he stays out of the country for extended durations leaving his dvd collection at home.
imagine bit locker activated by default, your Microsoft account suddenly (via one drive) somehow breaches their terms and they don't give you the bit locker key and refuse to let you log on and they also delete your data !!
too many people totally rely on the cloud to avoid buying a portable hard drive
secondly, I sold 500 laptops last year that arrived data wiped from asset disposal houses, 24h2 is an absolute pain for an engineer and the retail customers i.e 90% of them do not know what their Microsoft account details are, even if they were willing to divulge it!!
the last time they were asked to do this was with windows 8.1 and most people have Gmail or apple identities for their mobile devices these days.
I make a new account every time I have to log into Windows
I made the switch to Linux. A month ago glad I did
You can also use a program called shut up 10 Which also works on windows 11 And what it does is shut down all of these telemeties
The Rufus option is awesome! You can remove the requirements for a microsoft account amongst most Microsoft bloatware. That was the fastest install of windows ever with all the Microsoft programs taken out. Was able to install in about a minute and a half. Only had 4 programs once installed. Local account. And used another program to pause updates for 2 years, clean the registry. And only install security updates with a 4 day pause. It is so much work and nonsense to go through to make your pc yours and have been trying different linux distress lately learning more
I already told my brother that I'll have to switch his computers over to Linux once MSWin10 is no longer supportable. Of course, he's already been running Mozilla, Thunderbird, LibreOffice, VLC, etc on his MSW10 machine, Quicken 2013 runs perfectly fine under Crossover Office, etc. About the only thing that may be a problem is the LINE chat client (and he uses that a LOT).
And mind you, he already despises MSWindows10 as it is. He hates each and every Microsoft product he has to use at work. So MSW11 would be beyond that.
(and now that MS is supposedly releasing another "fix" pack for MSWin10, I think they're intending to backport as many of the obnoxious and user-hostile functions as possible. That way MSWin10 will be JUST as crap as MSW11, not that MSW10 wasn't already crap)
Zentyal!!!!! Actually join it to a domain controller 🙂 crazy easy to configure a domain controller
For anyone that was dumb enough to pay for w11 or w10 the moment thrybtry to remove local acct then that's a substantial change of the product purchased to a degree where everyone can demand a refund
And keep an eye open for them trying to change the bs eula to trybto force in arbitration
Windows 11 is doing more to move people to Linux than all the tech influencers combined.
Yes if you are offline with a Microsoft account it will allow you to log in. Without the internet it just does not merge your settings if you made any changes on another system until network is restored. Mind you this only works for a computer you have logged into with an internet connection at least once otherwise you just get a generic error.
Well, I use Krita instead of Photoshop, and I use FreeOffice, which is the most compatible Office suite, I've even tested with Word, Excel & Power Point files.. And FreeOffice has support for Office from 2007->2021 which seems to be the only alternate office suite that does.. As every other office Suite seems to be locked with 2003->2007 only.. And if you need an alternative to Publisher, try Scribus with all the available addons, and if you are on a newer version Scribus will even open Publisher files directly.. I use Arch Linux as my host system, while I've begun using distrobox for specific apps, that can be run virtually/Enclosed, as some drivers or apps needs direct kernel access they won't run on any docker/box except for host system..
Whats the point of all this? Sounds expensive, slow and a waste of bandwith!
Thank God I do not need Microsoft Office products. Everything I do for business has Open Source equivalent software or it can be done with web-based forms and tools. That means I was able to jump out of the aircraft and set my parachute on fire. I am now permanently on Kubuntu. I can make it look like Windows 7, security patches install quickly, and I can postpone software changes to a time of my own choosing. With UbuntuONE, my LTS version is supported for a decade.
Microsoft is in my rearview mirror and fading away fast.
Using w11 is acfuking disaster beyond lunacy to say the least w10 is bad enough since its NOT an OS ffs
No, last time I used Windows 11 you had to be on the Internet to log in if you used a Microsoft account.
It was one of the reasons I installed Linux recently.
That and the AI stuff was the end for me.
Now the recall stuff.
Yep I'm staying on Linux.
Your Microsoft-Account-Only PC will be USELESS when your ISP has an outage!
I only use local account on my PC, which allowed me to continue writing the parts of my programs that I didn't need to online documentation for,
At this point Microsoft are just pushing people towards Linux hey!!
Now Windows 11 by default on a new fresh install WILL backup all your data to OneDrive by default…….