Jan 2024 – Latest Microsoft Exam / Certification Retirements
This video outlines the latest exams and certifications Microsoft has retired as of January 2024
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New Microsoft Applied Skills Credentials:
windows server
My good friend recommended your channel. I'm now doing the same. Thank you for all the content! Subscribed. 🙂
Thanks for the update John
Thanks for the update John. Hopefully MS do not just depend on Applied Skills only in the future.
Maybe, they want us to stop using email and only use Teams Instant Messaging. 😛
Thanks for sharing this and all your knowledge John, I am totally rooting for your channel to explode. My team and I love your stuff and it's helped us through numerous AZ exams. Thank you!
Hey John, any idea about the future way forward for Ms-203 (Exchange Online)…any replaced certification for future? How will we manage exchane???
very good teacher
Please share your linkedin link.
I earned MD-100 and MD-101 before their retirement and consolidation into one exam. Thank Microsoft for stealing twice my time and money.
Yah I'm especially upset because I tried taking the test twice and failed both times. and couldn't take a 3rd attempt before December 31st 2023. $245 down the drain. Thank you Microsoft.