Java Roadmap for 2024
In this Java Roadmap I will discuss your Java learning path to help succeed as a java developer. Java still very popular and it I recommend it as your first programming language.
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#java #javatutorial #javaforbeginners
by Amigoscode
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wow absolutely amazing,
This drawing REALLY well done 👍
Courses available free? Big Fat Lie >> IntelliJ course 98 bucks.😂
Hi I started as an angular/.net developer mostly .net, as a java developer can you give advice for my future path.
Probably you could add Serialization, XML parsing and Json manipulation to the list
Thanks Brother!
красавчик, товарищ!
Will OpenAI GPT 5 be able to surpass upper average computer programmers?
Thank you very much for this content brother❤
imagine still programming in java
This is soo insightful, thank you Amigocode.
Nice map!! I think I would have probably added messaging (Artemis/Kafka/etc)
Thank you Nelson for this roadmap. This actually came in at the right time for me as I'm currently learning Java.
I'd try to reference it as I learn 🫶
Nice roadmap, even though I think that multi threading should be taken a little bit more in deep regardless the challenge. Thanks for sharing such a nice content, I love your work here.
Old fashioned road map. Waste of time. U know.😎
I'm noob to the subject but I think it's missing: modules and libraries, linters, secure coding, clean architecture, ORM, Javadoc.
Hi Nelson, how are you?
There is some planning to make your courses available with PT-BR subtitles. I follow your channel a lot, and I really admire your teaching. I wanted to buy some of your courses, but the language barrier hinders me.
Hi Nelson and everyone! I haven't been using Java for some time let's say close to 8 months at university as I'm doing other languages, how would you advise me to revise java as I feel like I've forgotten quite a lot 😢
Thanks bro, i was kinda skipping from step 5 to step 14 without having solid foundation… gotta follow this amazing road map.. thanks a lot
Love from pakistan
Thanks bro it so good. But have a question do we can do these all in window platform instead of Linux when start the course tutorials?
Parabéns pela aula, professor.
After 5 years of being a Java/bigData developer, I have suddenly realized that probably I can handle this map. But honestly, there is such a deep rabbit hole in each of those topics… Not to discourage you, this being said but to prepare for a marathon. After You finish, You will unexpectedly discover – this all was just the beginning ) Happy learning!
Allyekum Assalam, bro, no time to watch, but insta like, ur content is always on fire! Keep going!
I think it's a very very professional course
Assalemou alaykom brother i wanted to know to you have a course to cover all this ? Thank you
Can i have name of app you draw the roadmap please 😗