Kali Linux 2022 (64Bit) On Raspberry Pi 4 | Best Desktop Experience

Turn Your Raspberry Pi 4 in to Full fledge Desktop Computer With Kali Linux 2022 (64Bit). Install Kali Linux 2022.1 On Raspberry Pi 4. Kali Linux 2022 (64Bit Edition) now supports raspberry Pi 4, 3 & More. Kali Linux 64Bit uses the XFCE desktop environment that brings a lite Weight desktop experience for raspberry Pi 4. Kali Linux 2022 brings some new features which include kernel 5.4, Refreshed Browser landing page, New Tools in Kali, Shell prompt changes, SSH wide Compatibility & more.

#RaspberryPi #KaliLinux2022

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What is
Raspberry pi 4 ?

Raspberry PI 4 is one of the fastest computer architecture ever From raspberry foundation. Raspberry Pi 4 is a credit card sized computer that can be used for your personal computing. It has the fastest ARM Cortex A-72 Quad Core Processor, 4 GB of Ram, all new Giga Bit ethernet port, Type C USB port For power supply & more.

Note- Overclocking is only tested on raspberry pi 4, don’t try to overclock the older raspberry pi models.

So, Watch this video & install Kali Linux 64Bit 2022 on raspberry pi 4 / 3 / 2 and enjoy the full desktop experience.

*** Previous videos **
Kernel 5.16 – is it for Best for gaming ?

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Dual Boot Zorin OS & Windows 11

MX Linux For Raspberry Pi 4

**** Disclaimer: This video is for educational purposes only. ****

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Mere Sai


by Ksk Royal

linux download

20 thoughts on “Kali Linux 2022 (64Bit) On Raspberry Pi 4 | Best Desktop Experience

  • nice one. soon i will have raspberry pi and will learn linux.

  • hello, after update anf upgrade then ill restart the rpi its not booting in desktop mode its booting in kali server. Can anyone help me with 🙁

  • Is it just me or does kali not work on rpi 4 b 8gb ?

  • I dont know why
    After update and upgrade, and restart, kali just stuck at tty1, not desktop gui.
    Latest kali image on rpi 8gb ram.
    Any clue?

  • how is it possible to run a 64bit OS running on a 32 bit processor?

  • 6:28 no frame drop when you remove desktop. start directly to mediaplayer frontend

  • 5:13 nothing is never enought allways need change. its low power board at least it was now its expensive high power HAHAHA
    if have light theme you customize it dark theme want be different.
    id it dark theme you cutomie it light theme xD
    if i buy 1000 buck gpu i wont overclock it clock try push300 fps i play 30 fps and its cool lol. its enought movies are 24 lol
    if i buy 35buck single board computer i try run it low power as i can thats why its was designed.
    if it run 2Ghz it would default right?
    how much faster you crack wpa2 no no u wont do it RPI
    it takes 5 days a-z 8 digit3 years with numbers or big alpha LOL yes minium leght can take 3 years or more if you all characters even my game pc lol. how many years faster you think you get? 100 years xD from 10000?

  • Bro in raspberry pi4 64 kali i found a bug when we use Dmitry tool it doesn't work properly if we give any commands in Dmitry it is looping it's help section please see and tell bro

  • Hi. I'm a beginner pi user. Just wanted to know hoe do I know if my pi is 64 bit or 32

  • The kali 22.3 has bug that my raspberry pi 3 hdmi screen keep flickering… and touch screen just not working

  • great video , Question ,since it is a security oriented distribution ,shouldn't we update the way it's instructed in the official website ? "sudo apt full-upgrade" ? wouldn't your way cause any security related issues regarding upgrade method ?

  • i recomend for instal x86 if you want use to hacking machine

  • i failed login first time and i input both username and password "kali" it can't work! and by the way the version that i used was kali-linux-2022.2-raspberry-pi-armhf.img.xz what can i do for next step?

  • Hello admin, please help install the "anydesk" properly? Since I've successfully installed but can't start the "anydesk" please provide the correct install thank you

  • So…Kali is not meant for beginners…seems like if you need a help video installing Kali then it's probably not the distro for you.

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