Keynote: Securing the Software That Matters – David Wheeler, The Linux Foundation
Keynote: Securing the Software That Matters – David Wheeler, Director of Open Source Supply Chain Security, The Linux Foundation
Software today is under attack, both while it’s in operation and in the supply chain leading to operations. This talk will briefly discuss some of the ways to evaluate OSS security before incorporating it, as well as ways to secure that final software. It will also briefly survey some of the efforts to improve things, especially via the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF).
About the speaker: Dr. David A. Wheeler is an expert on developing secure software and on open source software (OSS) development. He wrote the book “Secure Programming HOWTO” on how to develop secure software, and his work on countering malicious tools (“Fully Countering Trusting Trust through Diverse Double-Compiling (DDC)”) is widely cited.
by Open Mainframe Project
linux foundation