Killer Drones? Yes Please!

#cosmicreach #devlog #java
In this devlog of Cosmic Reach, I talk how I added hostile drones and serialized items to prepare for survival mode

HOW TO INSTALL (Windows and Linux):
1. Get the itch app at https://itch.io/app
2. Run the launcher
3. Paste this link into the launcher: https://finalforeach.itch.io/cosmic-reach
4. Press install

For Mac get Java 21 first:
https://adoptium.net/temurin/releases/?version=21&arch=x64&package=jre then get the jar version of the game.

The game: https://finalforeach.itch.io/cosmic-reach
Discord: https://discord.gg/geAmdvpXv2
Subreddit: https://reddit.com/r/CosmicReach/
Official wiki: https://cosmicreach.wiki.gg/wiki/Main_Page
Cosmic Reach issue tracker: https://github.com/FinalForEach/Cosmic-Reach-Issue-Tracker/issues

Watch the whole game dev series here:

Music used:
* Commission by @mrdoctor175
* [Cosmic Reach UST] awaken soon machines – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xv5gaqtmfJY by @caloob_
* [Cosmic Reach UST] all saturns memories – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7Zpc7WJ0zQ by @caloob_

Useful resources:
LibGDX: https://libgdx.com/
Learn OpenGL: https://learnopengl.com/
GIMP: https://www.gimp.org/


by FinalForEach

linux foundation

45 thoughts on “Killer Drones? Yes Please!

  • does your engine have physics ? if so make the drones flight physics based like half-life's manhacks.

  • Are you going to make Venus? Also, are you going to add audio (ambience like wind or other stuff)?


  • This looks amazing. Well done man. Cant wait to buy this game, you deserve AAA pricing for this.

  • Just because you see a future in a product doeent mean you lost you brunout… Talking from experience

  • In my opinion, Oxygen Not Included is the most criminally underrated game and its gas and fluid simulation mechanics are something I've always wanted to see in different settings. It would be amazing to see a similar feature in a 3d voxel setting

  • you added manhacks…

    Of all half life enemies to add, manhacks…

  • Are we going to see some more half life 2 combine inspierd mobs?

  • If you're worried about the interceptors feeling too persistant, it might help if you moved their position between attacks further away, by making their attacks slower/giving more reaction time, and make it easier to run away.

  • I'm loving the atmosphere already! Especially at night! The colored lights and dark world mix amazingly. It'd be neat if there was maybe a hardcore mode or another planet you could visit that was in eternal night. Or potentially a moon like our own that has synchronous rotation, and the position of the sun in the sky depends on your coordinates.

  • I think what the game would benefit most from would be an API for mod developers to add in their own mobs with their own behaviour, and a built in pathfinding solution to improve accessibility for mod developers

  • Hell yeah! I was just thinking the other day about I hadn't seen an upload from you in a while.

  • Oh wow! So excited to see you used two of my music tracks. Tysm Final!

  • Maybe you should add walking mobs like on 3:44 whith procedural walking animations (like in rain world or mindustry)

  • One idea I have for you to implement, is making different stone types, and then making ore a tag applied to the block. That way, planets can have differing stone types, and each stone type can have ore within it. This, however, will have to lead into the raw ores system Minecraft has. Then again, Starbound does the ore tag and raw ores system too, so it's not exactly a new concept.

  • Multiblock machines like those in immersive engineering would be cool.

  • I have an idea, unlike Minecraft where when things are builded they’re unchanging it would be nice that in this version things are perishable, trees can sometimes fall down, a system where player made buildings need constant resources for maintenance or else they will slowly crumble, same thing with contractions and farms where those wear down from constant use, all needs constant maintenance and input from the player which keeps them engaged and brings realism to the world

  • I really hope you add infinite world depth, I would love to be able to tunnel forever, or come across a huge pit that went down for like 2 kilometers and was pitch dark with bats or monsters in it.

  • I think a temperature system would also be really cool. Maybe temperature would rise as you go further down, or different biomes/planets would be very hot or very cold

  • Idea: Interceptors should occasionally drop their own machinery. This could allow the player to construct one as a remote control interceptor. And maybe the red sensor could be a green sensor or another color.


    While writing the previous idea, I thought about what of the sensors or lenses could be swapped out on the RC Interceptor, and they could detect different things.

  • I know you didn't really touch on building in this log, but considering the half slab and vertical slab, I feel like those should be treated as the same thing in the player's inventory. Perhaps one way to make this work is to have a projected outline of the block you are placing appear before you, and, if you hit R, it will rotate that block between flat slab, and vertical slab. Then, much like minecraft with stairs, it places according to whichever side of a block you are pointing towards. For flat slabs, that would simply be bottom or top, but for vertical it would rotate between the four different possible positions according to what edge your cursor is nearest to. Again, the projected outline would help the player be sure they are placing it correctly and alleviate some of the tedium of breaking and replacing directional blocks that you placed wrong. Excited to see what comes next!

  • how about different shaders for the death screen dependent on how you die. typically someone closes the game when they get bored, distracted or die so something new could be inspiration to continue. when killed by the interceptor the red sci fi look is very nice but how about it fading to black for hypoxia or if different planets have life on them (rather than robots) then they could also change the style etc etc.

  • Consider the possibility of mobs having natural enemies in other mobs. For example, perhaps these drones are automated defense against some other kind of mob. One of the easiest ways to bring a game world to life is to have the elements within it react to each other, not just the player. This is another thing the new Zelda games did quite well.

  • Something that might be worth thinking about is structure styled enemy spawning. While enemies finding the player may still be what your after, enemies spawning randomly even at a distance can feel unintuitive and arbitrary. The difference is probably small if you still want enimies to go after the player, but it might give players more control of their surroundings.

    I'm not saying it needs to manage unloaded entities, it probably isn't worth the hassle, but I do recommend taking inspiration from the enemy placement design in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

  • intel has the weirdest drivers known to man. godspeed

  • Structures would be cool, I've always felt minecraft was a bit lacking in exploration. Perhaps once you're further into development you could have community members submit different structures around a specific theme.

  • Some sort of background or color change is needed for the you are dead text, as it's red on red, which makes it less visible/legible.

  • i think a friendly drone that could harvest plants and other materials that can drop off the loot in chests would be a great addition, as well as making it so that as you progress in the game and get better materials you don't have to go entirely out of the way to get more of older, lower tier materials. maybe have specific drones for say agriculture and woodcutting, and even some that just go around maintaining machines

  • I like the interceptor drone as an idea, but the 2d spinning blade combined with the 3d model of the rest of the drone kind of annoys me. Will the model be changed in the future?

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