Kubernetes Tutorial – How to Crack 🔥CKA Exam🔥 in 21 Hours?
If you want to crack CKA / CKAD course in a day, this course is just for you. By the end of this course you will learn all concepts of Kubernetes with all tips and tricks to crack CKA / CKAD Exam.
Wish you all best of luck for CKA/CKAD Exam!!!
We’re so excited to announce that the our 2 bestseller courses on udemy i.e., OpenStack and NFV (TelcoCloud) and Kubernetes in NFV (TelcoCloud) is out now!!!
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We’re so excited to announce that the our 2 bestseller courses on udemy i.e., OpenStack and NFV (TelcoCloud) and Kubernetes in NFV (TelcoCloud) is out now!!!
Use Coupon code to get 81% discount – CLOUDGURU
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▬▬▬▬▬▬ COURSE OVERVIEW 📚 ▬▬▬▬▬▬
🔥 What is Kubernetes 🔥
► What problems does Kubernetes solve?
► What features do container orchestration tools offer?
🔗 Reference Links: https://github.com/lerndevops/educka
🔥 Main K8s Components 🔥
► Node & Pod
► Service & Ingress
► ConfigMap & Secret
► Volumes
► Deployment & StatefulSet
🔥 K8s Architecture 🔥
► Worker Nodes
► Master Nodes
► Api Server
► Scheduler
► Controller Manager
► etcd – the cluster brain
🔥 Minikube and kubectl – Local Setup 🔥
► What is minikube?
► What is kubectl?
► install minikube and kubectl
► create and start a minikube cluster
🔥 Main Kubectl Commands – K8s CLI 🔥
► Get status of different components
► create a pod/deployment
► layers of abstraction
► change the pod/deployment
► debugging pods
► delete pod/deployment
► CRUD by applying configuration file
🔥 K8s YAML Configuration File 🔥
► 3 parts of a Kubernetes config file (metadata, specification, status)
► format of configuration file
► blueprint for pods (template)
► connecting services to deployments and pods (label & selector & port)
► demo
🔥 Demo Project 🔥
► Deploying MongoDB and Mongo Express
► MongoDB Pod
► Secret
► MongoDB Internal Service
► Deployment Service and Config Map
► Mongo Express External Service
🔥 Organizing your components with K8s Namespaces 🔥
► What is a Namespace?
► 4 Default Namespaces
► Create a Namespace
► Why to use Namespaces? 4 Use Cases
► Characteristics of Namespaces
► Create Components in Namespaces
► Change Active Namespace
🔥 K8s Ingress explained 🔥
► What is Ingress? External Service vs. Ingress
► Example YAML Config Files for External Service and Ingress
► Internal Service Configuration for Ingress
► How to configure Ingress in your cluster?
► What is Ingress Controller?
► Environment on which your cluster is running (Cloud provider or bare metal)
► Demo: Configure Ingress in Minikube
► Ingress Default Backend
► Routing Use Cases
► Configuring TLS Certificate
🔥 Helm – Package Manager 🔥
► Package Manager and Helm Charts
► Templating Engine
► Use Cases for Helm
► Helm Chart Structure
► Values injection into template files
► Release Management / Tiller (Helm Version 2!)
🔥 Persisting Data in K8s with Volumes 🔥
► The need for persistent storage & storage requirements
► Persistent Volume (PV)
► Local vs Remote Volume Types
► Who creates the PV and when?
► Persistent Volume Claim (PVC)
► Levels of volume abstractions
► ConfigMap and Secret as volume types
► Storage Class (SC)
🔥 Deploying Stateful Apps with StatefulSet 🔥
► What is StatefulSet? Difference of stateless and stateful applications
► Deployment of stateful and stateless apps
► Deployment vs StatefulSet
► Pod Identity
► Scaling database applications: Master and Worker Pods
► Pod state, Pod Identifier
► 2 Pod endpoints
🔥 K8s Services 🔥
► What is a Service in K8s and when we need it?
► ClusterIP Services
► Service Communication
► Multi-Port Services
► Headless Services
► NodePort Services
► LoadBalancer Services
#kubernetes #cloudguru
by Cloud Guru
We're so excited to announce that the our 2 bestseller courses on udemy i.e., OpenStack and NFV (TelcoCloud) and Kubernetes in NFV (TelcoCloud) is out now!!!
Use Coupon code to get 81% discount – CLOUDGURU
Note: This coupon will be valid for a month. If you want a new coupon code contact us on YouTube or in Facebook.
We're so excited to announce that the our 2 bestseller courses on udemy i.e., OpenStack and NFV (TelcoCloud) and Kubernetes in NFV (TelcoCloud) is out now!!!
Use Coupon code to get 81% discount – CLOUDGURU
Note: This coupon will be valid for a month. If you want a new coupon code contact us on YouTube or in Facebook.
its good understand
I don't know how to set up the book page on my browser please can someone help?
Pod ip will change when it restarts….and bez of kubenetes behaviour it might create in another node of cluster .i.e pod ip will also change ..you point 3:05:00 is not correct
In Layman terms to understand – Service – Nodeport – pod/port . Think of streetname and house number , only then we can get our post delivered. In Flats -we have mulitple numbers,thought the overall building number is same. Flat is like one pod with multiple container