Lab 1 – 20410 part 3: Deploying Windows Server 2012
In this final section we will be using Windows PowerShell to Manage Servers. The aim of the section is to demonstrate that PowerShell can be used to commit actions remotely, onto other servers in the domain. However I have adapted the lab instructions slightly to affect the local server – LON-DC1 out of convenience as this section was recorded after the previous lab sections were recorded and the two other servers have since been reverted. Nevertheless the process is still valid.
In this section we will:
– Use Windows PowerShell to connect remotely to servers and view
– Use Windows PowerShell to remotely install new features
windows server 2012
Codes used in this lab are:
Import-Module ServerManager
Get-service | where-object {$_.status -eq "Running"}
Get-NetIPAddress | Format-table
Get-EventLog Security -Newest 10
Get-WindowsFeature -ComputerName LON-DC1
Install-WindowsFeature XPS-Viewer -ComputerName LON-DC1
Install-WindowsFeature WINS -ComputerName LON-DC1