Lab Session Intro to Security, Identity & Compliance | Class 8

If want want to master advanced skills in architecture design, administration and software development this the course for you. This includes proficient use of both the AWS command line and the AWS Software Development Kit.

Why pay for 8 Udemy courses, and still not be prepared for the exam? The BackSpace Academy approach provides individual learning paths for all 4 AWS Associate and Foundation certifications. This approach provides the fastest route to certification preparation.

This course FULLY prepares you for ALL 4 AWS certifications – the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate, AWS Certified Developer Associate, AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate and AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exams in the SHORTEST POSSIBLE TIME. It also includes full length practice exams for each certification.

This is without a doubt THE MOST HANDS ON COURSE AVAILABLE for AWS with all theory followed up with real life hands on labs.

Our experienced instructor not only holds all the associate qualifications, he is also an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional and AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional. Since 2014 BackSpace Academy has been providing the best value AWS courses on the market.
At the end of the course theory you will be led through practical lab sessions that detail the application of a specific use case.

The course culminates in 4 practice exams to give you exposure to the type of questions you can expect on the exam:

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate,
AWS Certified Developer Associate,
AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate, and
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

Who this course is for:

This course is for anyone wanting to work as a Solutions Architect, Administrator or Developer in AWS cloud technology.


Basic understanding of computers and networking.
The student will require an AWS account to complete hands on labs sessions.
Windows, Linux or Mac PC to complete hands on labs sessions.



by School of Online Learning

linux foundation

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