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LabMinutes# RS0055 – Cisco IPv6 IPv4-Compatible Tunnel (Part 2)

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The video walks you through configuration of IPv4-Compatible point-to-multipoint tunnel on Cisco router to transport IPv6 traffic over IPv4 network among multiple IPv6 sites. We will look at characteristics and requirements to implement IPv4-Compatible tunnel, and highlight its pros and cons. IPv4-Compatible tunnel does not rely on IP scheme to be in certain format like 6to4 or 6RD tunnels, but instead it requires the next-hop IP. This allows us to run routing protocol like BGP to automate route advertisement which you will see in this lab. Packet analysis on Wireshark will be performed to help us gain better understanding of the encapsulation and packet structure.

Part 2 of this video extends the configuration to utilize BGP for route advertisement




Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.