Landlords Are Screwed

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20 thoughts on “Landlords Are Screwed

  • We have given our government to much control over EVERYTHING!!!

  • So it allows you to live in an area well out of your income abilities. So you have a nice house or apartment your income is still the same. Rent isn’t the only increased cost. Who pays for that voucher

  • Landlords been screwing renters for years and creating the homelessness crisis. Ironically hilarious is the fact greed= homeless crisis = tent city’s= rich business men( the ones that actually run this country and world) step in human Shit on the sidewalk = “we need to do something about this” =“ how come we don’t get a piece of the rent pie” and rent control is born, you cought the eye of government and now big brother is gonna take there bite karma is a beautiful bitch sometimes

  • First this administration closed states down due to covid, but still charge business taxes. The government should start with themselves each state government raises taxes thinking it doesnt trickle down. If anything the government should investigate greedy landlords but seriously give landlords tax credit as per tenant income.

  • That 8 hundred thousand household must be for the illegals who they tried to let in the country. That’s not for the Americans.

  • Now they will pay the price, unfortunately the renters won’t see any relief because our taxes will go up to pay for the deal, people will still not afford rent it’s just the government gets a bigger bite and landlords get less and i fuckin love it

  • Parasites charging far more for rent then wage growth can support has single handedly caused the homeless crisis!

  • I own a couple rental properties where I've kept rent pretty much stationary making a decent profit. The problem is other landlords have gotten way too greedy and charging astronomical amounts. You did this to yourselves. Take ownership of your actions

  • Landlords are the middle man making passive income. They don't create it, they feed upon it.
    How about if a landlord isn't making more then the paltry 200 bucks they aren't satisfied with…they get out of it and make their own money by working for it. Let another family purchase a home.

  • Joe should crack down on major corporations and companies they increase rent every damn year

  • You won't need vouchers if rent is stabilized. People should afford a place to live on minimum wage. No way you should have a job of any kind of living space. The only payment should be to build it, power it, and repair it, not to live in it.

  • I hope Landlords are screwed, because they have been screwing every one else for 50 years. For profit rentals should not be a thing that exists, it should be made none profit or owned and controlled by the government, because i think its been made clear that the private market is only interested in squeezing as much money out of the poor as they can. You can not start a family with out a roof over your head and if that becomes impossible to achieve, we are a doomed society.

  • I'll be honest, I can't say I'm terribly broken up about it. In my community, almost 40% of the middle class starter homes are owned by landlords who got favorable loans, pushing out first time home buyers who were trying to get the houses.
    So, big ups for capitalism, but also, get a real job.

  • This is such a bad idea. Seems like they're expediting the creep towards communism and allowing only the government or huge corporations to gobble up real estate until eventually the masses are housed in slums or "smart cities".

  • Well too bad for all of you because all of you landlords who are Very abusive. You all have caused a horrendous homelessness situation in the Country you don't care about this Country you don't care about people you don't care about Children living in crapy hotels because their parents cant afford the rent . I hope the people have enough guts to fight all you guys back and the government needs to get involved here they have waited too long are too many Seniors who are on a limited Income elderly loosing their homes and apartments . Stop twisting the truth about yours speech about people depending from the government . You screw it all yo are sick with greed all and the pain you have caused to people but guess what as you say people landlords will loose a lot of money the money they have unmercifully from all of us that rent so here cones Karma and not fast enough .

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