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Last IP Address | Broadcast Address, Network ID, Host Address, First | Subnetting Cheat Sheet Step 4

Quickly find the first and last ip address, broadcast address, network address, host ip address, valid, ipv4 address range using this Subnetting Cheat Sheet. This is step 4 of this simple process.

How To Create Subnetting Cheat Sheet:

Do you wonder which subnet does a host belong to or want to know how to find the broadcast address from an ip address for your CCNA exam? This step will help you find out the correct subnet range including the network id and subnet mask. Whether you are given the ip address with a subnet mask or the CIDR, one look at the pdf sheet will give you the block size and help you calculate the ip range without using a subnetting calculator.

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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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