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Learn Go Programming by Building 11 Projects – Full Course

In this Go programming language course for beginners, you will improve your Go programming skills by building eleven projects.

✏️ Akhil Sharma created this course. Check out his channel:

⭐️ Project Code ⭐️
1. Build A Simple Web Server With Golang –
2. Build A CRUD API With Golang –
3. Golang With MySQL Book Management System –
4. Simple SlackBot To Calculate Age –
5. Golang Slackbot for File Uploading –
6. Email Verifier Tool With Golang –
7. AWS Lambda With Golang –
8. CRM with Golang Fiber –
9. HRMS with Golang Fiber –
10. Complete Serverless Stack –
11. A.I Bot with Wolfram, and golang –

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Build A Simple Web Server With Golang
⌨️ (0:20:34) Build A CRUD API With Golang
⌨️ (1:07:14) Golang With MYSQL Book Management System
⌨️ (2:30:57) Simple SlackBot To Calculate Age
⌨️ (2:44:12) Golang Slackbot for File Uploading
⌨️ (3:01:45) Email Verifier Tool With Golang
⌨️ (3:24:32) AWS Lambda With Golang
⌨️ (3:50:12) CRM with Golang Fiber
⌨️ (4:34:34) HRMS with Golang Fiber
⌨️ (5:44:25) Complete serverless stack with Golang
⌨️ (7:28:55) A.I Bot with wolfram, and Golang

🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
👾 Raymond Odero
👾 Agustín Kussrow
👾 aldo ferretti
👾 Otis Morgan
👾 DeezMaster

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21 thoughts on “Learn Go Programming by Building 11 Projects – Full Course

  • Thanks a lot for featuring me Beau! I hope a lot of people benefit from this content. I am really happy to share all my knowledge.

  • Even when I've copied from GitHub first project my submit button doesn't work…

  • Great video for people first learning Go, getting hands on experience in a series of smaller projects is much better than one big one.

    My only advice is with the order. Its very confusing for new people when your second video uses a lot of pointers then it goes into easier ones where it explains the pointers much later. For example, the CRM one you go slower and into more detail than things we have already done previously where the knowledge is assumed.

  • how to run golang individual file without main package if any one knows

  • Starts "Learn Go Programming.."

    "btw I'm assuming you know html and that's why I'm not explaining a lot of things"


    Puts on C/C++ dev hat and kicks the door

  • For the third course, why it is 'w.Header().Set("Content-type", "pkglication/json")' instead of 'w.Header().Set("Content-type", "application/json")'? I'm confused

  • I'm really grateful for all the work you expose in this video. I has help me to kick back into go programming. Next time please do not use a mechanical keyboard while recording is quite noisy specially when the video is 8 hours long. Apart from that your work is excellent.

  • All good ,but when I hear indian tutorials ,I just have to click away.

  • font size is really small, Sorry to to say its long video more than 8 hours, it was interesting but can't see more time.

  • If you are a beginner and want to learn by doing projects then don't watch this video. But if you are a professional GO developer and want to waste your time, you can watch it. He uses databases such as MySQL, SQLite, etc. in the projects but doesn't show how to set them up and connect them to GO programs. He doesn't teach anything that a beginner can understand.

  • Golang With MYSQL Book Management System is missing DB setup part =( It basically assumes that you already have it set up and running, so you can't immediately run it to test=(

  • the slackbot api timestamp is wrong

  • after the build, you should run the executable, instead you are running "go run main.go" command which does compilation and execution from start, if you are going to call run command you don't have yo build.

  • Thank you for your awesome work! 🔥Гайхалтай заавар бичлэг, прожектууд оруулсанд баярлалаа!

  • The way you use conditionals with functions, got me thinking. Thanks!

  • sometimes the syntax got confusing.. but in those cases chatgpt was of great help.. not to forget, the concepts I am learning while following the video are too awesome! finished lecture 3, 8 more to goooo!

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