Learn HTTP Status Codes In 10 Minutes
Building a web application or API is not an easy task, especially to do it correctly. One of the things that makes this process difficult is HTTP status codes. In this video I will be breaking down and explaining every single HTTP status code that you need to know in order to get started building the perfect web application or API. We will be covering everything from the most basic 200 status codes to the more complex 403 and 304 status codes.
📚 Materials/References:
HTTP Status Code Web Site Reference: https://www.restapitutorial.com/httpstatuscodes.html
🧠 Concepts Covered:
– What HTTP status codes are
– Why they are important
– All important 200 level status codes
– All important 300 level status codes
– All important 400 level status codes
– All important 500 level status codes
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#WebDevelopment #WDS #HTTPStatusCodes
by Web Dev Simplified
linux http server