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Learn Linux NFS Fast–You WON'T BELIEVE What Happens Next! | MPrashant

#mprashant #linux #linuxtutorial @MPrashant

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In this video, I’m going to show you how to set up a Linux NFS server. This tutorial is for beginners, so you’ll be able to follow it easily.
Not sure how to set up a Linux NFS server? In this video, I’ll walk you through everything step by step. By the end, you’ll be able to set up a NFS server in Linux with ease!
Want to setup your own NFS server on your Linux machine? In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to do it quickly and easily!
You’ll learn the basics of NFS server configuration, as well as how to set it up and get it working perfectly. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have everything you need to get your own NFS server up and running on your Linux system!

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nfs server configuration in linux step by step,
nfs mount autofs,
nfs server configuration in linux,
nfs server in linux,
nfs server and client configuration in linux,
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what is nfs in linux,
how to setup NFS in linux,
step by step nfs configuration in linux,
how to configure nfs4 in linux,
Linux admin course,
Linux admin videos


by M Prashant

linux ftp server

44 thoughts on “Learn Linux NFS Fast–You WON'T BELIEVE What Happens Next! | MPrashant

  • Sir you teach topics very nicely that's why understanding concepts become very easy for us 👍🔥

  • Sir hope u can cover whole LE and LA in chapters so finding videos become easy 🤞

  • Usually I don't like or subscribe any channel but your video was very good about nfs as I had to subscribe your channel. As yesterday only I was working on it and struggled to get clear understanding but your made video made things pretty clear. Keep it up to bro. Please upload videos about another advanced topics in linux as well.

  • Hello bro, how to share the files if the server and client is in different network ?

  • Can u please make video for DevOps road map i have completed your all videos of linux admin and bash Scripting now i wanna do further for devops but apky style me DevOps ka road map smjhna wese kisi ki video se ni ati smjh bs apki ati😅

  • I just want to take this opportunity and say to you . I really admire your personality ….God made u different from others i genuinely like ur simplicity sir …

  • Thanks bro, Thank you so much. This video is very helpful for every tech peoples. 💖💖💖

  • Very informative,thanks for this clear video.

    Please try to explain flags with command so we don't have to search for individual flags.

  • Hello sir can i make windows machine as client and centos as server if possible then how can I execute it ?

  • Sir its showing access denied from server on client when im trying to mount

  • Bro this video is for which os Ubuntu or rhel..
    Pls put a videos on Ubuntu with nfs commands in Ubuntu

  • If I have client in Linux and wants access through browser
    as I have many team members
    so my query is I want each team members to store their data on NFS server

  • Bhaiya mene fedora 37 ke terminal me "sudo kill 4" type kiya toh abb kya hoga?

  • @MPrashant . Getting error while trying to use showmount -e <serverip>

    Error : rpc mount error. Connection reset due to peer.

    Firewall is disabled, permission has been granted to shared directory.
    etc/exports file is properly configured

  • Bro It will be very handy, if we can get the presentations😊, you are explaining really 👌, keep going!

  • brother please make a video on filezilla👆👆👆

  • by watching your video i have just cleared nearly all my doubts and topic
    i humbly request u to make more video on Linux services like dhcp samba ansible etc. to get us more knowledge in Linux
    thank you

  • Amazing teaching….bro
    Request you to please make video on lvm ,disk partition,,

  • Very Good explanation 😊
    Thanks for sharing knowledge
    Can u make some videos in azure cloud

  • I Love you Prashant bhai ❤
    Apki video Mai itni information hoti hai ki jo bki khi nahi milti

  • Sir I advise you please start your own linux classes your teaching style is superb 🔥

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