Learn Rust in 3.5 hours in 4K | Full Course | Rust for Absolute Beginners
Want to learn Rust, but don’t know anything about coding?
The Rust Programming Language is a relatively new programming language, that is a modern, memory-safe alternative to C and C++.
If you’re new to coding and want to learn Rust as your first language, then this is the course for you!
There are no knowledge prerequisites for this course, so I’m assuming that Rust is your first programming language.
In addition to learning the fundamentals of Rust, you’ll also learn some of the fundamental concepts of computer science and coding in general.
You’ll also learn how to use the latest tools available for Rust, including how to use Cargo, VS Code, the rust-analyzer extension and the Code Runner extension.
# Chapters
00:00:00 Chapter 01: Motivation
00:10:48 Chapter 02: Install Rust
00:15:57 Chapter 03: Hello, World!
00:24:27 Chapter 04: Portable .exe
00:27:01 Chapter 05: Install VS Code
00:29:10 Chapter 06: Rust + VS Code
00:39:38 Chapter 07: Basic Math
00:56:33 Chapter 08: Boolean
01:06:38 Chapter 09: Variables
01:21:27 Chapter 10: Data Types | Numbers
01:31:12 Chapter 11: Data Types | char, &str, String
01:38:20 Chapter 12: Data Types | Compound Types | Arrays
01:51:34 Chapter 13: Data Types | Compound Types | Vector
01:55:20 Chapter 14: Data Types | Compound Types | Tuple
02:01:00 Chapter 15: Data Types | Compound Types | HashMap
02:08:44 Chapter 16: Data Types | Compound Types | Struct
02:14:55 Chapter 17: Control Flow | if
02:22:35 Chapter 18: Control Flow | while
02:26:01 Chapter 19: Control Flow | loop (infinite)
02:30:00 Chapter 20: Control Flow | for
02:36:51 Chapter 21: Control Flow | for (collection)
02:40:08 Chapter 22: Function
02:47:36 Chapter 23: Method
02:51:44 Chapter 24: Ownership
02:57:38 Chapter 25: References
03:02:07 Chapter 26: Slices
03:05:51 Chapter 27: Cargo
03:11:29 Chapter 28: rust-analyzer (VS Code extension)
03:22:00 Chapter 29: Update Rust
03:24:48 Chapter 30: Help
03:28:57 Chapter 31: Graduation
# Links
# Code for All Chapters
# Rust for Absolute Beginners Playlist
# The Rust Programming Language Book (aka “The Book”)
# Command to Install Rust (for Linux and macOS)
$ curl –proto ‘=https’ –tlsv1.2 https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
# Install Rust (for Windows)
# Download VS Code Installer
# Rust Numeric Types
# Rust Versions website
# Rust Documentation
# Rust Community
# doggo dot rs GitHub repo
# “doggo dot jl” YouTube Channel
# Donate
# My Liberapay Account
by doggo dot rs
linux foundation
There is no new content in this video. It's just a compilation of all of the individual videos from Series 01 stitched together into 1 long video. This video is being provided as a convenience for those who like to have everything in one place. Cheers!