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Learning CentOS Linux Lesson 2 Upstart service configuration

More videos like this online at . CentOS 6.x introduces upstart to the Enterprise Linux range. Upstart is a new initialization deamon that was introduced by Ubuntu back in 1998. We are using CentOS 6.3 and since version 6 CentOS has been transitioning to upstart. Most services are still controlled through the traditional SYSV init scripts, but upstart controls those runlevel scripts now. It is far from perfect as we now have a mix of the old and the new but allows for a slow migration of your service scripts.

We will create a template conf file in /etc/init and see how services then can be controlled with initctl. We can also see that services can be started for particular runlevels on on service events. Using the emit stanza we will see that we can control these servcies via custom events as well as standard events such as a service being started.

With his in place we will look at replace a tradintional SYSV init script with an upstart configuration.


by theurbanpenguin

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