Learning Linux #10 – Gnome Desktop Environment & More, APCUG Wednesday Workshop 7-14-21
Learning Linux #10 with Cal Esneault sharing everything about the one primary desktop environment we haven’t heard about, the Gnome DE. There was a huge update that came out and he will go over some of the major differences between the version 3 and 40 updates. Then Orv Beach talks about Graphical Remote Access, additional Screen Commands, and System Monitoring Tools (both CLI and GUI). Finally, John Kennedy shares information about GParted and how you use it. He also discusses different ways to partition your hard drive for a Linux installation.
Orv Beach, (Retired) Training Chair, Southern California Linux Expo; (Retired) Linux System Administrator, Abbott
Cal Esneault, former President of Cajun Clickers Computer Club and leader of many Open-Source Workshops & SIGs
John Kennedy, APCUG Advisor, Regions 3 & 6; Member, APCUG’s Speakers Bureau; Webmaster, ECOTUC
by APCUGVideos
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