Leaving Windows For Linux…But What About Software Availability *Reaction*
What does an experienced Linux User say when a new user is looking to lave Windows, but the users concern is about software availability on Linux. Is it going to be good or bad advice? Let’s find out.
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by Dark1 Linux, Tech, Gaming
linux foundation
Facts. 👍🏽👍🏽 My job requires me to use windows. Everything just works. What am I going to do everything works? lol I’m use to fixing things on Linux. That said I prefer to use Linux with all its problems over windows.
Is weird how people expect linux to be windows, I mean, most linux distros are pretty easy to install following the installer questions, but of course you need some little knowledge on how things work.
Why happy windows users that have their things working want to switch to linux in first place? and why blame Linux for not having some windows software in stock (adobe stuff) instead of blaming software house for not making a linux native? thats some kind of moron mindset.
Want windows stuff that does not have linux native?… stay in windows and keep the tears. // But today a bunch of windows software and games work on linux lol.
Everyone trying new stuff needs to make research and spend time learning, works that way in every aspect of life, you cant expect to find every thing served for your convenience.
People needs some cups of common sense and confidence.
There is a WORLD beyond microsoft, adobe and autodesk.
The only software I miss on Linux is Microsoft Visual Studio, and the only reason I keep a windows partition.
Distro tube giving hot turd for advice, nothing new but a NEET that can't fathom using kvm to access all software needed regardless of the platform. Again, just a NEET that lives off people watching his absolutely awful takes.
Does any software for cnc control exist for Linux. Don’t say Linuxcnc I don’t have time to earn a doctorate.
I talked with a new user. Kind of. My nephew had a steam deck. He was surprised I use Linux. I started using Linux in 09 to copy dvds. The only thing I find to be an issue is pdf and my cannon printer scanner. I just use the command line. I don't like storing data in the cloud on someone else's computer.
I think at the start, his question is flawed. It should NOT be " is the software I want to use available on Linux". It SHOULD be can I use available Linux software to do such and such task". Coming from this direction, it is invariably, Yes.
For example, Can I use MS Office? NO. Can I make a word processing/spreadsheet document in Linux? Yes.
Yep, There is Emacs on Linux 😂🤣
depending on the needs, for example, I need office applications, and they are all fulfilled on Ubuntu Linux. So I'm comfortable using Linux OS for my daily work.
Adobe hates Linux so much they are a Linux Foundation silver member. They have made plugins for Blender so don’t they don’t hate open source either. He’s so uninformed outside his obtuse Linux topics.
Substance Painter is available on Linux and I guarantee that Adobe looked at its numbers to see if it would be worth the time and money to port Photoshop.
Shared this with DT, but wanted to share again with you: Adobe now offers Illustrator and Photoshop as web apps, but you need to spoof your browser to "be" chrome on windows to use them. They block access via straight chrome on Linux, which is annoying.
I do appreciate your outlook. There are still pain points for old MS Windows users, and I quite agree that the learning curve for replacement apps is the major pain point. Otherwise the twinges might surprise you. For example I can no longer use DOS-Box under Linux to play Warcraft II. Mint, as good as it is, now mounts the Warcraft II disk as two separate devices. That supposed improvement blew me out of the water. As a data point of 1, I hardly expect things to change, so I now dual-boot with a "depreciated" version of MS-Windows that has no internet access. DOS-Box and Warcraft II work just fine there, so I move on (or is it back, grin) with what i want to do. Nor will I throw out Mint as it really is my daily driver.
Solid points made. But honestly…I missed the F-bombs. 😀 Happy Thanksgiving, Matt.