Lecture 10: IPv4 Protocol Deep Dive| Packet Structure and Routing| Basic to Advanced Features
In this lecture, we explore the IPv4 protocol, starting with basic terminology: an octet (or byte) is 8 bits, a word is a group of bits (16-bit or 32-bit), and a flag is a one-bit control function. IPv4 packets, known as datagrams, are independent entities carrying sufficient information for routing without relying on previous packets, as defined in RFC 1594.
#IPv4 #IPv4Protocol #Networking #ProtocolTerminology #Datagrams #PacketStructure #IPPacket #InterNetworking #Routing #IHL #DSField #ECNField #TotalLength #PacketFragmentation #TTL #HeaderChecksum #CIDR #VLSM #IPAllocation #IANA #RIR #LIR #MTU #Ethernet #WiFi #IPHeader #NetworkProtocols