Legion Go: Everything you need to get started!

Legion Go Day 1 optimization, setup, and update guide. I’ll take you through a beginner friendly guide to get your legion game ready, without overwhelming you. we will stick to the basics, and must have software.

Legion Go SSD upgrade:

AMD Drivers:

Controller tester:

Core isolation and VMP performance example:

Power profile Phawx video


Dolby Access:


Battery Bar:

Game sales:

00:00 overview
00:36 test for defects
01:48 controller test
02:54 First updates: Windows
03:29 Second update: AMD Drivers
04:41 Remove the clutter
05:28 Optimize start up
05:50 Boost performance (core isolation/VMP)
06:34 Performance improvement tests (where to find)
07:09 Optimal default Power profile
07:52 Adjust VRAM
09:10 AMD Graphics Profiles
09:53 Improve Audio
11:46 Must have apps
13:36 Game deals and free games

Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

#lenovo #legiongo #handheld #handheldpc #umpc #handheldgaming #gaming #DIYupgrade #upgrade #ssd #ssdclone #repair #fix #repairguide #tutorial


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25 thoughts on “Legion Go: Everything you need to get started!

  • Does anyone know what settings need to be changed so games on steam come up completely full screen? The taskbar for every game is showing please help

  • Is it worth to up the VRAM to 4gb l? I’ve seen a couple posts where some games are performing worse when it’s done

  • How do you get the AMD Software app for the Legion Go?

  • Just a quick random question, what size thumb caps fit the analogue stick, ps4, Xbox or switch?

  • Just fyi that turning off virtual machine platform will disable the ability to run android apps.

  • Way too much work I just want to play the damn games

  • Question regarding the memory optimizer bit; in what way does this cause problems? I changed it before seeing this video and things seem okay but I'm not sure what I should be looking for? What do I do? D:

  • Can you run multiple programs while you are game ? Such ad switch too different tabs or multiple tasking?

  • I downloaded the new amd drivers and it wont open ? Any idea how i followed all the steps

  • This video helped me so much, I was worried about updating drivers in the wrong way etc., thanks!

  • we need a tutorial how to get rid of the news feeds widgets all that garbage

  • Thank you, as I just finished up on your tutorial to the Legion, it was awesome and knowing these Options…Question …how do you remove apps thats doubled up on the home screen ? And also where did you get that rad looking space live screen saver ?

  • nice video with the perfect starting things to do

  • Ok wow I'm sure all these are great but man that sound one for sure night and day difference

  • After installing the AMD App, I get the same error (not compatible). Any ideas?

  • Yessssssssssssssssss the info newbie like us need 🙂

  • I have a Legion go on the way. gonna download this video mad usful 🤙

  • I changed the RAM optimization to "Gaming"….. Wish I had seen this video first. So far nothing bad has happened though, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Maybe it's because I didn't change the VRAM allowance in the BIOS?

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