Lesson 1. Downloading Ubuntu, Creating LiveUSB with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, and booting PC from LiveUSB

Lesson 1. Downloading Ubuntu, Creating LiveUSB with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, and booting PC from LiveUSB

Here is the first video on AMC.

It shows how to get Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, guides through the creation of UBUNTU 16.04 LTS Live USB using Unetbootin programme, and gives the glimpse on how to boot into LiveUSB from BIOS.

Please comment if you have problems.

One issue might be not properly creating LiveUSB, this might happen due to failures while using Unetbootin, or because the system is not configured properly. Way to solve the problem – Using RUFUS utility. Please google how to do that.

NB! If you are from Biology department NU, Zhalgas have a setup laptop running Ubuntu 16.04, it already has the AMC programme.


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