Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Lesson 12: Communication and network basics

*Lesson 12: Communication and network basics*

Final lesson of this semester … we focus on the principles of Internet communications. We start with the models to describe communication stacks in operating systems. We discuss: what is a client-server-model for applications. Different network topologies are shown combined with the mechanism to support several devices on Ethernet connection using CSMA/CD. Finally, the addressing with IPv4 and IPv6 is explained and some elementary security mechanisms are shown.

00:04:07 – Communication models: ISO OSI and TCP/IP
00:33:50 – Network topology Ethernet
00:37:50 – CSMA/CD
00:55:26 – Addressing with IPv4 and IPv6
01:10:46 – Security basics: encryption methods, network structures, firewalls




Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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