Let’s Coordinate: An LF Energy open source workflow platform
Across the world, there’s a need for better coordination between the energy and electricity sectors. In Europe, Transmission System Operators (TSOs) with the help of Regional Security Coordinators (RSCs) need to safely and securely integrate more renewable energy sources onto the grid, transition to electric mobility, and reduce carbon emissions cost effectively.
Let’s Coordinate is an open source workflow platform for system operator coordination across jurisdictions. It’s a project hosted by LF Energy, a new open source initiative focused on the energy and electricity sectors and hosted at The Linux Foundation.
It leverages information and communication (ICT) technologies to address European regulations and Network codes and better facilitate RSCs services provided to TSOs across the industry, including delivery of common grid model, operational security analysis, cross-border calculation, forecasting short-term supply and demand adequacy and coordinated outage planning.
Through full information sharing and decision making transparency, RSCs and TSOs can coordinate more efficiently in one workflow platform.
We believe in the future that we share. Join us to implement and improve the Let’s Coordinate Platform! https://www.lfenergy.org/letscoordinate
The LF Energy Summit is Oct 24 in Edinburgh. Register Today! https://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/lfenergysummit2018/
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