Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Let's Linux | Episode 1 – Scambled Mac Addresses Ubuntu? Really!?!?

Remember when you are using Ubuntu 17.04 there is a great “feature” that causes Ubuntu to scramble the Mac Addresses of your Network Cards. If you don’t want this you will need to disable it.

Below are the steps I used to complete this process, but I can not (and will not) guarantee these steps will work for your environment. Please use the below information at your own risk, and only after creating a backup of your network configuration.

1.) Open a Terminal
2.) sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
3.) Add the following to the bottom of the configuration file.


4.) Save the file
5.) Restart your network services or reboot your PC
6.) Verify network connectivity


mac address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.