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Level 8 Lab ๐Ÿ” HackThisSite : Hidden Password File with SSI (Server Side Include)

Welcome back to the Cyber Security Lab Series!
🚀 In this video, we tackle’s Basic Level 8 Lab, known as “The password is yet again hidden in an unknown file.”
This challenge involves uncovering a hidden password file using knowledge of Server Side Includes (SSI).

Here’s what we cover:
00:00 Welcoming with HackThisSite Lab Name
00:18 Overview of Lab with Real Scenario Example
00:43 Server Side Include (SSI)
01:28 Level 8 Lab Explanation
01:54 Explaining SSI with Tips
02:42 Hidden Password Lab Started
03:12 Web Service and Web Server Concepts
04:06 Trying to Find the Hidden Password File
07:27 SSI Practical in Lab
09:47 Linux Command with Directory Traversal
11:11 Logic to Identify the Password File and Get the Hidden Password
12:16 Hidden Password Lab Solved
12:52 Directory Traversal Concepts

🔍 Lab Details:
Missed earlier videos in this series? Catch up here:
+ Challenge 1:
+ Challenge 2:
+ Challenge 3:
+ Challenge 4:
+ Challenge 5:
+ Challenge 6:
+ Challenge 7:

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Share your thoughts and questions in the comments below.
Join me as we dive into the complexities of Server Side Includes and directory traversal to uncover the hidden password. Let’s continue our journey to mastering cyber security skills step-by-step. Let’s solve this practical lab together!

#CyberSecurity #HackThisSite #EthicalHacking #CyberLabs #PenetrationTesting #Infosec #PracticalHacking #ServerSideIncludes #SSI #DirectoryTraversal #LinuxCommands #InformationSecurity #CyberSecurityLabs #NikunjGohil #ActiveSniffer

Music track: Tech Village by Aylex
Music for Video (Free Download)


by Active Sniffer

linux web server

2 thoughts on “Level 8 Lab ๐Ÿ” HackThisSite : Hidden Password File with SSI (Server Side Include)

  • It's really Nice and Simple which is able to understand by anyone.
    specially when the explaining command effect and SSI (server side include).
    Waiting for more labs…

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