Level Setting the Cloud Native Edge: Definitions and Core Principles – Keith Basil, Rancher
Don’t miss out! Join us at our upcoming event: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2021 in Los Angeles, CA from October 12-15. Learn more at https://kubecon.io The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy, and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.
Level Setting the Cloud Native Edge: Definitions and Core Principles – Keith Basil, Rancher
Everyone has a different definition of the “edge”. Collectively we’ve found it useful to establish a baseline definition of the edge so that meaningful discussions can ensue. In this talk we will review an example framework that has evolved over time during the natural interactions with engineering, partners and those doing real-world cloud-native edge deployments. Borrowing from the aforementioned framework, the session will also succinctly highlight core principals and attributes that are present in the majority of the Kubernetes edge use cases we see today. Attendees of this session will get an introduction to the edge challenges in the areas of application, cluster and operating system management at edge scale.
by CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]
redhat openstack