Libre Space Foundation – Getting to space… the libre (free & open-source) way
Presented by Eleftherios Kosmas, Libre Space Foundation
Libre Space Foundation is a non-profit organisation aiming to alleviate the barriers of participating in space for all. To do so, our community develops, open-source hardware, free software open-data in a transparent way following the principles of the Libre Space Manifesto (, ranging from satellite ground-station equipment to satellite missions.
This talk will cover some of the Libre Space Foundation’s projects, the underlying open-source technologies used in these projects ranging from Python, Django, Machine learning, Grafana, GNU-Radio, embedded development, PCB design using KiCad, Mechanical Engineering using FreeCAD and more while discussing pathways to participate.
Finally, this talk will discuss the relevancy of open-source development methodologies in space based on a report we recently generated for the European Space Agency focusing on the challenges and opportunities organisations face in adopting them in an efficient and sustainable way.
Eleftherios Kosmas is the vice-chair of Libre Space Foundation, a member of the local hackerspace in Athens, Greece and a technologist at the University of Athens.
by British Computer Society Open Source Specialists
linux foundation