Life changing story of a Cisco Networking Academy student
Never stop dreaming: Anusha
We found breeze of fresh air in the life changing story of Anusha who is one among our other thousands of student beneficiaries across India.
Decisions determine destiny — how true these words are for Anusha and her family. Belonging to a remote village in Andhra Pradesh and instead of giving in to pressure from relatives and villagers, Anusha’s father, a tailor by profession, decided to send her to study Engineering and to pursue a career in IT. She completed her Cisco certified networking course (CCNA) in the guidance of her faculty (Mr. P Ravi Kiran, NetAcad Instructor) and recently grabbed a high-paying job at Cisco. Currently, she is working as a Network Engineer in Cisco Bangalore office. It has been an arduous journey for Anusha.
Thousands of students like Anusha, from economically challenged families, are now conquering such limitation to achieve pinnacles of success.
Anusha (Cisco Networking Academy student. College: Swarnandhra College of Engineering & Technology)
Video by: Jolly Frames
cisco academie