Linus Torvalds and Greg Kroah-Hartman on 20 years of Linux @ LinuxCon Japan 2011

How to provide value in a digital world: Better Than Free (by Kevin Kelly): http://www.kk.org/thetechnium/archives/2008/01/better_than_fre.php

Infinity Is Your Friend In Economics (by Mike Masnick): http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20070118/013310/infinity-is-your-friend-economics.shtml

Greg Kroah-Hartman in conversation with Linux creator Linus Torvalds will share their thoughts on the first 20 years of Linux and what the future holds.




edited from:
(beginning and ending cut & synchronization problems fixed)



by V for Voluntary Library

linux foundation

40 thoughts on “Linus Torvalds and Greg Kroah-Hartman on 20 years of Linux @ LinuxCon Japan 2011

  • I'm embarrassed to be an American. I will be til the day I die now. I'll never forgive this country for what it's done to my family

  • 3:55 Linus: So we don't have large numbers like forty anymore.
    Currently version 4.9.270 is out. Sorry Linus, but you were awfully wrong here.

  • Linus is such a cheerleader at getting people to do work for free.

  • Nope. Debian stable.

    Cutting out the middleman has been a valuable learning experience for me since you have to set up many things yourself. I'd recommend trying it out when you have some spare time.

  • Given the angles of the chairs and their communication, this would really hurt my neck. I hope their necks are ok.

  • I think it is a new sport, just like trolling. When you see a nice green bar with tons of thumbs up, it gets too irresistible for them to resist breaking the pattern.

  • The main problem on running Guild Wars 2 on WINE is that it only runs on "-dx9single" mode which is a command that forces Guild Wars 2 to run on only on one single CPU core.
    Since GW2 is a heavy CPU-demading game, the performance is rather horrible.

    They even have a official Mac client (some other compatability-layer like Wine) that runs rather good, without such problems.

    For now – it's impossible to run (without crashes) playable Guild Wars 2 without that single-core mode.

  • Make Guild Wars 2 work perfectly on Linux and I will move 😉

  • Well it's highly customizable and you can eye-candy it as much as you like

  • my friend always says: linux is horrible, it has a bad graphic UI. -,-

  • Oh that explains why there no 3.5 update yet in Arch Linux…. hopefully NVidia working on there driver update ;]

  • Yeh I checked it out, interesting. ; )
    I'm running 3.4.6. 3.5.0 is not compatible with the nvidia binary driver, I would need to upgrade my xorg to some experimental version.

  • yes, Xen support was biggest in 3.0 and there other new stuff, each 3rd number (now 2nd number) change bring new features. check Linux Newbies or H open websites for list of new features in each update 🙂

  • Aside from the number? No. That was intentional.

  • It's just a number. Like 2.6.42 = 3.0.0. ; ) But seriously was there any new features ? Besides the norm.

  • i bet you are watching this youtube from your linux … most likely a ubuntu/lubuntu/kubuntu distro. thumbs up if you are.

  • What is here to dislike. People talking? Sometimes I really think there are people with dislike-bots spamming all over YouTube.

  • @XulChris Is that so, please give some arguments…
    Not to be skeptic just that i have never tried it and i am curious…

  • This is a very funny and humorous interview. I enjoyed it a lot. Linus at his best 🙂

    The sound interruptions are a bit annoying.

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