Linus Torvalds doesn't think twice BREAKING things, 8 years later we are STILL fixing logging BUGS!

The only #OpenSource constant is #change and #regressions #t2sde #Linux #kernel #bugs #Ad: laptops & more @Amazon: https://services.exactcode.de/amzn.cgi?index=electronics&keywords=laptop You can support my work at: https://patreon.com/renerebe https://github.com/sponsors/rxrbln/ http://onlyfans.com/renerebe
https://exactcode.com https://t2sde.org https://rene.rebe.de

Terminal font: Comic Code 😉


by Code Therapy w/ René Rebe

linux foundation

13 thoughts on “Linus Torvalds doesn't think twice BREAKING things, 8 years later we are STILL fixing logging BUGS!

  • I believe it is simply revision: Linux 6.6-RHell6 🙂 – no worries here – nobody will click OK for that name installation 🙂

  • Torvalds is a genius millionaire. He don't break stuff

  • I thought Linus was mad at the systemd people for logging issues

  • Just discovered your channel from Phoronix. Great stuff, thank you for sharing your process. If you're wondering, your efforts are sure to have an effect.

    Btw, I'm also a vi/vim person, and I have moved to neovim with little effort; no effort in the case of vanilla neovim (and lua scripting is a lower cognitive load than vimscript), but if you want code navigation and other fancy features, it can be taxing to configure the necessary lua environment, neovim plugins, and the LSP server. For this reason, I recommend the "LazyVIm" distribution, which can live in its environment without affecting your existing vi/vim configuration. And there are lots of videos here on YT, which I find the quickest way to pick up the idioms.

  • I don't know a thing about Linux kernel development but what I can say is, some things/rules about the kernel Torvalds has told the press about sound arbitrary to me.

    For example is it true that the Linux version number increments when the mayor revision one reaches 20 due to Linus having no more fingers and toes to keep counting? I think I've heard this somewhere

  • i wanna learn linux development. Can you suggest me some books regarding that…

  • I always found it funny how many of his shithead friends got hired by microsoft etc. Stay away.

  • Continue your perfectionist path, you have new patreon member, you are not alone, this sh*t is not only in kernel it's everywhere

  • Ich möchte mal ein paar Fragen stellen:

    1. Warum musst du Linux Bugs fixen? (wegen Linuxfoundation oder deiner Bugfixing Sucht?? 😂)

    2. was genau macht fixfiles, ich kapiere es nicht, grep "mem crime" usw. ist klar aber fixfiles???

    3. Werden diese Bugfixes dann für alle distros übernommen oder ist das nur für deine eigene Distro?

    4. Warum funktioniert Linux, wenn da soviele Bugs drinne sind?

    Wäre super, wenn mir das mal ein Linux (Kernel) Dev erklären könnte, Danke!

  • I wished I was working with guys like you, René. Instead, I work people who do not care a smoking thing about ANY quality. I really need better co-workers. 😕

  • At least the Americans double space when they start a new sentence. weird, but its what its.

  • Linus Sebastian had a talk about "Breaking userspace is Linux's devs (himself included) fault" so that he dont do changes that destroy people's userspace so often, clickbait video bro, also 3 hours bruh my Gen-Z's attention span cant 💀☠️ , anyways, Subscribed anyway, good content here, just not this video

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