Linus Torvalds Guided Tour of His Home Office

Habe gerade dieses Video im Netz gefunden. Wie schaut es denn bei euch auf eurem Schreibtisch aus? So wie beim Herr Torvald? Mal ganz interessant zu sehen wie ich finde.


by DrUbuntu1

linux foundation

20 thoughts on “Linus Torvalds Guided Tour of His Home Office

  • I wonder why they're giving him penguins

  • So Linux should be pronounced lie-nux

  • Read you book long time ago when you started computing nice work best wishes!🎉

  • Imagine being the son of Linus, you can say: "my dad created Linux". That flex is powerful.

  • Linux … oops I mean, Lunus should build a Voron I think It'd be his kind of hobby

  • is this guy a billionaire? Serious question.

  • Here I am with my 34” inch monitor rfb mouse, keyboard and mouse writing hello world in HTML 😂

  • I thought his office was the dumpster.

  • The open source version of Bill Gates and/or Steve Jobs. Not a fan of early mornings and is getting a bit wider in the mid section. He may not be as famous or rich as the others (were) but I bet he's just as happy, and a lot less stressed.

  • If you took the background music out, this would feel like a scene from "The Office"

  • so small room, I think he should be in NY on Manhattan in penthouse.

  • This guy transformed the world with his work without marketing tricks, without messing with users, without cheating other companies and without stealing anything from anyone. He is admired all over the world and is still a simple person like that. What a wonderful example. I'm proud to have followed the trajectory of Linux since 1994, when in college I received a box with 40 floppy disks from a Slackware distribution from a professor.

  • Buddy tidy that desk, that’s gross

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