Linus Torvalds Latest Victim of SJW Left All Because He Wanted A Vacation Partial Rant

Another one has been taken out by the SJW hordes and this time it was Linus Torvalds. They are trying to frame this as part of the #MeToo movement when he’s harsh to people and an equal opportunity offender that has never made any sexual advances towards women on the kernel project or any other Free and Open Source Project for that matter. This all came about because he wanted a vacation too.

In this video we take a look at the lunacy that has gripped Linus Torvalds and the Linux kernel project.

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by Constitutionalist Libertarian

linux foundation

10 thoughts on “Linus Torvalds Latest Victim of SJW Left All Because He Wanted A Vacation Partial Rant

  • Debian since 1998… Lots of people have ideas can you implement yours?
    sudo apt-get install pull-kill-switch
    sudo apt-get remove CoC
    I will most likely be switching to BSD at the first sign that Linux quality goes down because of insane CoC.
    Linux runs 85% of the internet on Apache, Apache Tomcat, Node.js, servers…

  • Understand this: By agreeing with them you empower them – Tell them to F*CK OFF

  • the sad fact the world is being reshaped for the incompetent victims. i really don't want to be alive 10 years from now unless something is change drastically.

  • You what he should have done? Nothing. When they changed the location he should have turned off his phone, given it to a secretary, the dog or whatever and go on vacation and not answer his phone or email until the vacation was over. They don't need a response. If he's on vacation he's not available.

  • It will not stop because people sheepishly back down and back away, they don't want to go to war with it. They all decide that after some pressure that their minds are now right and apologize, plead their guilt etc.

  • While I agree on many points made in this video, saying that Linus Torvalds is a capitalist is false. His actions itself speak of the fact that he is leftist, like his parents and the country where he originally comes from. Still, being leftist does not mean that you are swj. Cultural marxism and radical feminism makes me puke every time I see how fucking stupid people can be. Free education, health care, and Open source software are examples of socialism done right. Slutwalks, equality of outcome instead of an opportunity, feelings instead of logic, are things that are not. About Richard Stallman, without him, we would not have Linux as it stands today. He is a brilliant programmer, just like Linus is.

  • Comics: destroyed

    Movies: destoyed

    Video Games: well on the way

    Politics : dumpster fire

    Computing : in crosshairs

    I say white males hang them up and let this shit burn to the ground. Wait until it is pure ash, then rebuild it

  • As if open source didn't already suffer from free time and willingness to contribute having more weight than competence.

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