Linux 6.10, Windows Global Outage, openSUSE Brand Drama, GNOME Director Leaves & more Linux news

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### SHOW NOTES ►► https://thisweekinlinux.com/272

### Chapters:
00:00 Intro
00:42 Linux 6.10 Released
03:12 CrowdStrike causes Global Outage for Microsoft Windows
06:43 SUSE Requests openSUSE to Rebrand
09:25 GNOME Foundation Executive Director Stepping Down
11:56 NVIDIA to Fully Adopt Open-Source GPU Kernel Modules
15:02 Nobara 40 Released
19:23 Solus Linux Phasing Out Snaps Support
22:35 Outro

SHOW NOTES ►► https://thisweekinlinux.com/272


– Linux 6.10 Released
– https://9to5linux.com/linux-kernel-6-10-officially-released-this-is-whats-new
– https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/07/linux-kernel-610-is-out-now/
– https://lwn.net/Articles/981961/
– https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/07/linux-kernel-6-10-new-features
– https://www.phoronix.com/news/Linux-6.10-Released
– CrowdStrike causes Global Outage for Microsoft Windows
– https://www.crowdstrike.com/falcon-content-update-remediation-and-guidance-hub/
– https://frontpagelinux.com/news/crowdstrike-causes-global-outage-for-microsoft-windows/
– https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/crowdstrike-update-crashes-windows-systems-causes-outages-worldwide/
– https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/07/crowdstrike-fixes-start-at-reboot-up-to-15-times-and-get-more-complex-from-there/
– https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CrowdStrike
– SUSE Requests openSUSE to Rebrand
– https://lists.opensuse.org/archives/list/project@lists.opensuse.org/thread/HZTCWECHJK6RBMY5KNGGY7LDLGAG7S7L/#7IVGVJOAO4NIQILUYI3ZUL7NHCVBDQO7
– https://geekos.org/about-us/
– GNOME Foundation Executive Director Stepping Down
– https://foundation.gnome.org/2024/07/12/gnome-foundation-announces-transition-of-executive-director/
– https://www.phoronix.com/news/GNOME-Holly-Million-Leaving
– NVIDIA to Fully Adopt Open-Source GPU Kernel Modules
– https://developer.nvidia.com/blog/nvidia-transitions-fully-towards-open-source-gpu-kernel-modules/
– https://www.phoronix.com/news/NVIDIA-Transitions-OSS-KMD
– https://9to5linux.com/nvidia-560-linux-graphics-driver-to-fully-adopt-open-source-gpu-kernel-modules
– https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/07/nvidia-talk-up-their-transition-to-open-source-gpu-kernel-modules/
– Nobara 40 Released
– https://nobaraproject.org/2024/07/17/july-17-2024/
– Solus Linux Phasing Out Snaps Support
– https://getsol.us/2024/07/15/dropping-apparmor-kernel-patches/
– https://www.phoronix.com/news/Solus-Ending-AppArmor-Snaps


Thanks For Watching!

#Linux #News #Podcast


by Michael Tunnell

linux foundation

32 thoughts on “Linux 6.10, Windows Global Outage, openSUSE Brand Drama, GNOME Director Leaves & more Linux news

  • Open SUSEme ! (Chameleon in a turban logo). O SUSEannah (Chameleon in a bonnet logo).

  • Ciao, i'm new at your Channel, thank you for your Videos, i'm a Debian Linux User since late 1998, many greetings from brunswick in germany and please stay safe 🙃

  • Serious suggestion for OpenSUSE's rebranding: Chama.

    It is an abbreviation of "chamäleon" (chameleon in German); two syllable name with a nice ring to it; means "flame" in Galician and Portuguese, so its mascot could be a fire chameleon (or just a flame that takes different shapes at each update, akin to Ubuntu's update branding scheme); it is better than gecko.

  • Snap is crap. I prefer distro packages when available, but also use Flatpak where appropriate. Completely stopped using Ubuntu because of Snap. I had one machine still running Ubuntu, which I've since decommissioned, but I manually removed Snap while it was still operational just because I didn't feel like reconfiguring everything on it. I now run Debian on everything and it's excellent. Should have done that years ago.

  • The 6.10 kernel is looking very promising thus far, I think I’ll retrofit its .config file and port it into my local repository that I use for my personal respin of Debian Stable.

  • The snaps "without the AppAmor support" are as secure as the flatpak! Flatpaks and those insecure snaps uses by default very generic AppAmor definitions. In both cases, you can improve the security by manually adapting its AppAmor definitions. The snaps normally generate the App specific AppAmor definitions during installation. So out-of-the-box snaps are more secure than flatpaks, but nobody knows and cares, because it is too technical for most users and talking heads 🙂

  • Gnome director announced that THEY are stepping down? How many directors? If it's one, why they, not HE or SHE?
    Is this some woke channel? Please talk like a normal person.

  • To be honest, I didn’t know Suse and openSuse were different things. And I use tumbleweed…

  • if windows turns on bitlocker by default… then you can't boot or access the directory.

  • Constructive feedback. The video was very stuttery and I found it very difficult to watch. Also the lighting seems very low and the color was washed out.

  • I couldn't stop laughing about the incompetence of management and IT departments of those companies and even hospitals affected by that Crowdstrike/Windows issue and they even showed it publicly all around the world on thousands of public screens LOL.
    I mean once a hospital can't do operations due to an IT outage the people in management and in the authorities being ok with that need their brains checked for serious defects. I just hope nuclear powerplants and such are managed better, but looking at it world wide I seriously doubt it.

  • Suggestions for OpenSUSE rebranding:

    1. SUSE (disambiguation)
    2. SUSE 2
    3. Software und System Entwicklung
    4. SUSE*
    5. OpenSESU**

    *But pronounced ['ʃu:ʃə].

    ** Stands for "Open System und Software Entwicklung".

  • why linux Distro not using AppImage …. it's portable, i think also smaller…. why ? I don't get it… what Flatpak has over AppImage

  • Rebrand it to Chad Linux. And give the chameleon mascot a Chad chin. Make it reality.

  • Do you think Holly was ousted or did she leave of her own will? Sad that everything is affected by politics today, but she also played that game, for better or worse…

  • Abi incelem videosu sadece Pardus'la ilgili değilde… kullanıcıyı GNU/Linux hakkında bilinçlendirme amaçlı olmalı bence. Kullanıcıların GNU/Linux'a karşı olan çok büyük bir önyargısı var. İlk önce bu önyargının kalkması ve GNU/Linux'un tanıtılması gerek.

  • Aslında GNU/Linux dağıtımları kuracaksanız ben şahsen RUFUS kullanmanızı tavsiye etmiyorum.
    Onun yerine Etcher veya Ventoy kullanmanızı ağır bir şekilde tavsiye ederim.

  • Would have a lot to do with Windows flawed design which leaves the kernel open for any attack or issue like this.

  • I concur! Holly came, she saw, she hexed gnome for broke and left. I wish she stayed, her 5 year plan was literally the best and she absolutely raised the most funds for the gnome foundation ever! The KDE and XFCE guys are just coping.

  • Maybe the Gnome director position doesn't necessary requires a tech person to lead, but should require someone with a management background; where the Shaman lady was lacking, having forged single company management experience not related to found raising or what not.

  • I expected to see a more gleeful coverage of the CrowdStrike issue, or at least more informed and less kurtz-based one (maybe mentioning the RedHat or Debian falcon sensor issues). But I guess I'll have to wait for Destination Linux for that 🤷

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