Linux 6.7, Solus 4.5, Snaps, Flatpaks, AI News & more Linux news

On this episode of TWIL (248), there is a new version of the Linux kernel bringing a ton of improvements. Solus has released a new version of their distro. We’ve got news about the universal app formats Snaps and Flatpaks. Then we’ll dive into a variety of AI related topics from Audacity to Volkswagen. All of this and more on this episode of This Week in Linux, Your Source for Linux GNews!

SHOW NOTES ►► https://thisweekinlinux.com/248

00:00 Intro
00:38 Linux Kernel 6.7 Released
02:02 Solus 4.5 Released
03:19 Snaps To Get Better Across Distros
04:30 Flathub’s New App Metadata Guidelines
06:53 Audacity Introduces OpenVINO AI Effects
08:07 Kolide
09:29 Deepin Linux Working on Integrating AI
10:13 Volkswagen Integrates ChatGPT in Cars
11:41 Microsoft Adding New AI Key to Keyboards
12:42 Kodi 20.3 “Nexus” Released
13:03 OpenWrt One: First In-House Hardware
14:08 Fwupd 1.9.11 Released
15:26 FLOSS Weekly Leaves the TWiT Network
16:17 Vim 9.1 Released
16:54 Outro

SHOW NOTES ►► https://thisweekinlinux.com/248


Other Videos:
17 KDE Plasma Features That You Didn’t Know About: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhPIwFC4qFs
Gamify Your Life with Habitica, A To-Do List RPG To Get Things Done: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=231NecNTaSA
5 Reasons Why I Use KDE Plasma: https://youtu.be/b0KA6IsO1M8
7 Reasons Why Firefox Is My Favorite Web Browser: https://youtu.be/bGTBH9yr8uw
How To Use Firefox’s Best Feature, Multi-Account Containers: https://youtu.be/FfN5L5zAJUo


Thanks For Watching!

#Linux #TechNews #Podcast


by Michael Tunnell

linux foundation

22 thoughts on “Linux 6.7, Solus 4.5, Snaps, Flatpaks, AI News & more Linux news

  • I say Microsoft should have no right whatsoever to have a Windows keyboard layout in the first place, and keyboard MFG's should tell them to F*ck off!! I can't stand that I have a "Windows key" with their crappy logo on it! If anything it should just have a representation of a start menu, or keyboards should come with one for at least the most popular OS's or make them available for purchase. That way I could have a tux on it which I would love!

  • Need some nice jazz in the background or some Suzy Solar blowing up the mids and background! 😩

  • I hate fwupd with passion. It constantly tries to update Secure Boot dbx and fails.
    Also, there is absolutely no reason to update dbx. Most Linux/Windows dualbooters are forced to enable Secure Boot (as some apps on Windows now require Secure Boot to be enabled). If there are exploits, it's good for us. Why arbitrarily limit what can be booted on your own computer, just because Microsoft said so?

  • Hello everybody, I post again in this video hoping for answers or advice for my Lenovo L520.

    I am looking for a way to install Linux on a Lenovo L520 i5 with Intel HD Graphics. I can start a live distro like Mint Cinnamon 21.1 in compatibility mode but after I click Install and Boot, I have a black screen. Any idea what to look at ? I tried to set up Grub with a different option found on a forum ( e.g. GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet noapic acpi=off " ) but it wasn't successful.

    Any idea ? Forum ? Successful recipe ? A distro known to work well with that hardware ?


  • The AI button is nothing more than Microsoft pushing Bing on us😢

  • FYI, the kodi example is about the (old) app icon having a drop shadow not the screenshots

  • 4:10 snap needs to allow community servers and themes to actually work with snaps for me to even think of installing it.

  • If Snaps and Flatpaks are the future why can't I find them for databases and web servers? Everything is being half arsed. I would rather Linux developers work with GUI designers to get Linux out of being a terminal OS into a visual OS like iOS and Windows so that you can give it to a normal person and they wouldn't have any issues using it. Otherwise we are never going to see an adoption of Linux into the mainstream.

  • Microsoft isn't "creating" a copilot key, they're repurposing an existing key that almost no one uses called the menu or applications key. It's the one just to the left of the Ctrl key on the right side of the keyboard. Whether anyone actually starts using the key remains to be seen…

  • 127th! Well I guess I needed a reason to write a comment, just wanted to mention I like your videos. Have a nice new year 🙂

  • Linux Mint 21.3 „Virginia“ – Upgrade from installed 21.2 also possible since yesterday

  • Another great Linux Gnews video, Michael. Thank you!

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