Linux Command Line in One Video: 100 Commands Tutorial in Hindi for Beginners | MPrashant

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In this video, I’m going to teach you 100 must-know commands for power users on Linux. These commands are essential for anyone who wants to become a Linux Command Line Pro!

If you’re a Windows user who’s looking to switch to Linux, or you’re a Linux beginner who wants to take your skills to the next level, this video is for you! In this video, I’ll show you how to use the commands to work on your computer, manage your files, and get creative with your computing. By the end of this video, you’ll have a solid foundation on Linux that you can build on!

Become a Linux command line pro with this comprehensive guide. In this video, I’m going to show you 100 essential Linux commands for power users. These commands will help you manage your files, create and administrate systems, and more.

If you’re looking to learn Linux in a simple and easy-to-follow guide, then this is the video for you! In this video, I’ll be teaching you 100 essential Linux commands, covering everything from file management to system administration. By the end of this video, you’ll be a Linux command line pro!

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00:00 Intro
00:43 Online Linux Terminal
01:54 Linux Commands for First Time – pwd, date, whoami, clear, ls
07:27 Working with files
08:20 How to read a file in Linux – less, cat, more
14:25 Edit files in Linux – vi, nano
18:25 Working with folders
31:41 Linux head & tail commands
38:36 Grep, Egrep Command in Linux
46:55 Comparing files in Linux – cmp and diff
49:16 Search files in linux – find & locate command
54:08 Linux Utility Commands – bc, cal
01:04:20 Linux Alias
01:06:11 Compress and Decompress files in linux
01:14:19 Download files in Linux – wget & curl
01:18:00 Linux Package Management – yum, rpm
01:25:28 Linux Service Control – systemctl
01:29:12 Environment Variables check and set – export, printenv
01:37:45 String Operations Commands (awk, cut, sed, tr)
01:51:07 Switch user and sudo
01:54:16 Access Remote Linux Server (scp, ssh)
01:58:28 Linux Files Permissions (chmod)
02:07:38 Memory Info Commands
02:12:48 System Info Commands
02:16:46 Process Management Commands
02:30:30 Networking Commands
02:36:20 User Management Commands
02:44:48 Automation Commands in Linux

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