Linux for Hackers: LINUX commands you need to know (with OTW) // Ep 6

Big thanks to Brilliant for sponsoring this video! Get started with a free 30 day trial and 20% discount: https://Brilliant.org/davidbombal (First 200 people that sign up will get a special discount).

// Occupy The Web Books //
Linux Basics for Hackers: https://amzn.to/3JlAQXe
Getting Started Becoming a Master Hacker: https://amzn.to/3qCQbvh
Network Basics for hackers: https://amzn.to/3W1iiCQ

// OTW Discount //
Use the code BOMBAL to get a 20% discount off anything from OTW’s website: https://davidbombal.wiki/otw

Direct links to courses:
Pro Subscriber: https://davidbombal.wiki/otwprosub
3 year deal: https://davidbombal.wiki/otw3year

// Occupy The Web SOCIAL //
X / Twitter: https://twitter.com/three_cube
Website: https://www.hackers-arise.com/

// Playlists REFERENCE //
Linux Basics for Hackers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJUVNlmIO6E&list=PLhfrWIlLOoKOs-fjCPHdzD2icF2vORfwK&pp=iAQB

Mr Robot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yiT_WMlosg&list=PLhfrWIlLOoKNYR8uvEXSAzDfKGAPIDB8q&pp=iAQB

Hackers Arise / Occupy the Web Hacks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxkKszPVD1M&list=PLhfrWIlLOoKOf1Ru_TFAnubVuWc87i-7z&pp=iAQB

// David’s SOCIAL //
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/usKSyzb
X / Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/davidbombal
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davidbombal
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidbombal
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/davidbombal.co
TikTok: http://tiktok.com/@davidbombal
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@davidbombal

// MY STUFF //

Interested in sponsoring my videos? Reach out to my team here: sponsors@davidbombal.com

// MENU //
00:00 – Coming up
00:52 – Brilliant sponsored segment
03:10 – Linux Basics for Hackers // Process Management
04:39 – Kali command demo // Processes explained
08:09 – Finding malicious processes
09:22 – Processes explained
11:13 – “Nice” and “Re-nice” explained
11:56 – How to end malicious processes
15:16 – How to run processes in the background and foreground
17:58 – Scheduling processes
21:09 – Bash scripting like Max Butler // The story of Max Butler
27:00 – Keeping it simple for beginners
28:19 – Other OTW books
32:25 – Conclusion

Linux for Hackers
Kali Linux
Parrot OS
Command Line
System Processes
Malicious Malware
Bash Scripting
Background Processes
Quantum Computing
Process Management in Linux
Daemon Processes
PS Command Usage
Process IDs (PID)
Terminal Management
Top Command for Resource Monitoring
CPU and Memory Usage
Killing Processes
Sudo for Root Privileges
Apache Web Server
Running Scripts in Background
Scheduling Tasks with ‘at’ Command
Network Basics
Wireshark for Packet Analysis
Firewall Configuration
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and SDR Hacking
Metasploit Framework
Career Opportunities in Cybersecurity
History of Hacking
Passive and Active Reconnaissance
Software Defined Radio (SDR)

Please note that links listed may be affiliate links and provide me with a small percentage/kickback should you use them to purchase any of the items listed or recommended. Thank you for supporting me and this channel!

Disclaimer: This video is for educational purposes only.

#kalilinux #linux #hacker


by David Bombal

linux foundation

46 thoughts on “Linux for Hackers: LINUX commands you need to know (with OTW) // Ep 6

  • Big thanks to Brilliant for sponsoring this video! Get started with a free 30 day trial and 20% discount: https://Brilliant.org/davidbombal (First 200 people that sign up will get a special discount).

    // Occupy The Web Books //
    Linux Basics for Hackers: https://amzn.to/3JlAQXe
    Getting Started Becoming a Master Hacker: https://amzn.to/3qCQbvh
    Network Basics for hackers: https://amzn.to/3W1iiCQ

    // OTW Discount //
    Use the code BOMBAL to get a 20% discount off anything from OTW's website: https://davidbombal.wiki/otw

    Direct links to courses:
    Pro Subscriber: https://davidbombal.wiki/otwprosub
    3 year deal: https://davidbombal.wiki/otw3year

    // Occupy The Web SOCIAL //
    X / Twitter: https://twitter.com/three_cube
    Website: https://www.hackers-arise.com/

    // Playlists REFERENCE //
    Linux Basics for Hackers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJUVNlmIO6E&list=PLhfrWIlLOoKOs-fjCPHdzD2icF2vORfwK&pp=iAQB

    Mr Robot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yiT_WMlosg&list=PLhfrWIlLOoKNYR8uvEXSAzDfKGAPIDB8q&pp=iAQB

    Hackers Arise / Occupy the Web Hacks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxkKszPVD1M&list=PLhfrWIlLOoKOf1Ru_TFAnubVuWc87i-7z&pp=iAQB

    // David's SOCIAL //
    Discord: https://discord.com/invite/usKSyzb
    X / Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/davidbombal
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davidbombal
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidbombal
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/davidbombal.co
    TikTok: http://tiktok.com/@davidbombal
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@davidbombal

    // MY STUFF //

    // SPONSORS //
    Interested in sponsoring my videos? Reach out to my team here: sponsors@davidbombal.com

    Linux for Hackers
    Kali Linux
    Parrot OS
    Command Line
    System Processes
    Malicious Malware
    Bash Scripting
    Background Processes
    Quantum Computing
    Process Management in Linux
    Daemon Processes
    PS Command Usage
    Process IDs (PID)
    Terminal Management
    Top Command for Resource Monitoring
    CPU and Memory Usage
    Killing Processes
    Sudo for Root Privileges
    Apache Web Server
    Running Scripts in Background
    Scheduling Tasks with 'at' Command
    Network Basics
    Wireshark for Packet Analysis
    Firewall Configuration
    Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and SDR Hacking
    Metasploit Framework
    Career Opportunities in Cybersecurity
    History of Hacking
    Passive and Active Reconnaissance
    Software Defined Radio (SDR)

    Please note that links listed may be affiliate links and provide me with a small percentage/kickback should you use them to purchase any of the items listed or recommended. Thank you for supporting me and this channel!

    Disclaimer: This video is for educational purposes only.

  • I've been going through the linux basics for hackers book and I'm almost to the end. I appreciate that OTW takes time to do these videos. šŸ‘šŸ¼

  • Hello sir, is there any custom kernel for Poco x3 Pro vayu/bhima android 12 ?
    I tried to build but I failed please help.

  • These videos explain it better than my actual college course šŸ˜‚

  • ā”€$ sudo systemctl start apache2
    System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate.
    Failed to connect to bus: Host is down

    the above ia an error from wsl linux but cant figure how to solve, help pls

  • Long time ago I was saying that Windows is largest VIRUS. You never know what your system send to anyone. Too bad that software is not just software that you can use without having any system. You just load software you want without any system. It is complicated but that is only thing that can save us from all those spy software.

  • You both got me into and keep me coming back. This book came in the mail today thank you

  • I always used to use the 'top' command myself wasnt aware of ps/ ps aux

  • I am reading the book & I've just finished chapter 7. Thank you guys for the awesome content.

  • It will be nice to see videos for SDR and metasploid! But also a video for history of hacking will be great!

  • Hey OTW, are you going to release an updated book for Metasploit 6 ?

  • revolutionize or destroy having A.i take jobs from humans is not a good thing just phone for help with a company .
    it is bad when you get press 1 or 2 or 3 and it go's on and on until you get no number for your needs.
    then your phone go's dead think what will happen with a.i you will have hell to deal with or i do not understand your question .
    god help you .

  • Loving the videos. I think it would be interesting to see a hardware hacker on your show. Thereā€™s a lot of people who know how to use all of the fancy tools but it would be cool to see someone show us how to make hacking devices with stuff from around our house and how to connect different devices.

  • Good video again by you together, you are a great and easy way to learn new stuff!

    I think it could be interesting if you and OTW does a video on how to crack or generate keys for software, I imagine that it involved reverse engineering, soo it could be a good way to get introduce to it.

  • Get the book Linux Basics for Hackers and the accompanying videos from websites.ā€¦- you won't regret it. I love it.ā¤

  • I had an ISP the prohibited you from making any sort of contact and it. Mentioned in the contract things port scanning. I had a few other things that you weren't allowed to do on their network. The internet at large you are allowed to do pretty much anything you wanted, but there was a long list of restrictions on their network.

  • For Everyone who stopped at 18:37 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
    OTW – Best Tutor 1of1 and everything else
    David – Best YT Channel

  • There is also htop gtop etc. For fun
    But if your just learning it use stop and top šŸ‘

  • SDR hacking let's start by combining a RF hack + RTL-SDR + GNU Radio + RPi to create a full duplex mobile hacking tool to learn with. For more advanced hacks you also must learn the power of repeaters then I suggest learning P25 decoding and then satellite uplink and downlink to create a anonymous Wi-Fi hotspot. Learning these things will teach you the basics to get started with advanced SDR hacking… The only limit to SDR hacking is your ability to combine hardware with software.

  • Having started my path to a Cybersecurity career only a year ago, these videos with OTW have made a lot of things just click. Love his delivery and knowledge.

  • David Sir, i need your good advise.. im 42 yrs old with experienced in Telecommunication industry, i watched your youtube video and motivates me to study CCNA and i just got certified yesterday, can i ask you advise what direction would be good for me. Thank you for your time Sir.

  • bro where david get those "hackers" from, this is the basic thing somebody who uses gnu linux should know, wth

  • Man, I wished Richard Feynman was a live. Thank you for the video and keep it up!! I definitely need to learn all the commands since I am going to configure my laptop to a Type 1 hypervisor since it does not support Windows 11.

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