Linux Foundation opens the next phase of network evolution
Since its formation in January this year, the Linux Foundation’s LFN group has brought together vendors, service providers and users to work towards the common goal of redefining how networks are created. Arpit Joshipura, GM of Networking at The Linux Foundation, has spoken in the past about the need for harmonisation, to further enable businesses across industries to maximise their open source deployments. He is now moving on to ’Harmonization 3.0’ – but what does this next evolution actually mean? He also discusses the risk of spreading development talent and resources across an increasing number of open source projects, the development of the popular ONAP project, and how LFN has been collaborating with ETSI on recent plug tests for NFV.
Featuring Arpit Joshipura, General Manager of Networking, Linux Foundation
Filmed at: Open Networking Summit Europe, 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
linux foundation