Linux in 5 minutes for DevOps

Mastering Linux is a complex subject, but I can get you started in just a few minutes in this video. Learn the basic commands that will provide the foundational skills you need to advance your DevOps career. Quick links to jump to specific sections:
Intro 0:00
Why linux skills 0:42
The prompt 1:18
ls 2:43
pwd 2:52
cd 3:00
ls output 3:33
file permissions 4:00
touch 5:03
chmod 5:19
calculating file permissions 6:04
rm 7:35
cat 8:06
wc 8:15
pipe operator 8:32
less 8:52
installing packages 9:00
netstat 10:20
ps 11:00
top 11:18


by DevOps For Developers

linux foundation

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