Linux IS NOT The Future: Technical Debt and File Explorer – Rollin' Rambles – Jody Bruchon Tech

0:00 Title Card
0:07 Introduction
01:48 Old Monster Energy joke clip
05:16 “Linux” isn’t a complete term
07:23 Windows File Explorer is AMAZING
14:06 Linux doesn’t have ANYTHING equivalent
15:43 The file chooser isn’t a file browser
17:45 Icaros
20:11 Duplicate, non-identical video files
23:39 Explorer makes it easy to GET THINGS DONE
26:19 If Windows is easier, why would I switch?
29:35 A unified, extensible system vision is EVERYTHING
30:35 Intro to “technical debt:” struct dirent d_namlen
33:55 File name lengths; how a string copy works
36:31 How string length works; why it’s so inefficient
37:50 Why memory copy is SO MUCH FASTER than string copy
38:38 Intermission
39:03 Brief recap of string copy
39:41 strlen() + memcpy() can’t be faster than strcpy()
40:24 Not duplicating effort is important
41:30 Example: web scraping makes 100,000+ files
42:31 EVERY OPERATING SYSTEM knows name lengths “under the hood”
44:34 Example: 100K names @ 16 bytes each = 10X FASTER
49:09 Linus Torvalds made a BIG mistake in 1995
52:48 The 1995 Torvalds technical debt is DEEPLY ENTRENCHED
56:09 EVERYTHING must be changed and rebuilt to fix it
1:01:00 ALL userspace software has to be modified as well
1:02:46 The BusyBox maintainers need to wake up
1:02:58 The “technical debt interest” has grown way too high
1:06:20 Linux is a dead end that will never replace Windows
1:09:56 Even if you clear the debt, project maintainers WILL block you
1:10:38 The author of fdupes IGNORED my patches for NO REASON
1:14:05 I would NOT license a new OS as “open source”
1:19:03 I’ve rejected LOADS of poor quality Git pull requests
1:21:29 It’s too late to clear Linux’s technical debt!
1:24:14 We NEED a new OS to compete with Windows and macOS
1:24:28 Discussion over
1:24:44 Outtake: bad big truck and bad truck driver
1:25:28 Outtake: the times are gettin’ rolly
1:25:34 Outtake: off we go to Hell
1:25:40 Outtake: bad video start
1:29:30 Outtake: My 4chan roots take over

Computer Tip: Slow Computer or Slow Internet?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpjqrzdrM6E
Bring back struct dirent d_namlen: https://www.jdupes.com/2024/02/11/bring-back-struct-dirent-d_namlen/
Icaros: https://github.com/Xanashi/Icaros/releases

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jdupes Duplicate File Finder: https://www.jdupes.com/


by Jody Bruchon

linux foundation

43 thoughts on “Linux IS NOT The Future: Technical Debt and File Explorer – Rollin' Rambles – Jody Bruchon Tech

  • For how long will MS be so great; were there not a few releases that were essentially glued together by summer interns? Me and Vista come to mind….. This rant is really pretty bad.

  • The file picker thing drives me NUTS. In KDE Plasma, it is a pain to pick an image file. In the file manager there is a slider to enlarge the thumbnail, but nothing in the popup picker dialog. The file picker dialog is useless for picking an image. I have to copy/ paste from my regular file manager = unnecessary extra steps. And desktops like XFCE are even worse- not even a thumbnail- guess I'm supposed to remember the cryptic filenames for 12,000 images I have on disk.

  • yeah, the Steam Deck proved how much Linux is dead. RIP Linux. It's not like MS bought one of the major Linux distros out there and made it so you can run it on the desktop. Oh wait, fuuuuuuuuu

  • Yes, Linux has more than its fair share of issues, then main one being it isn't a standardised OS as Windows and MacOS are.

    Two mega points as to why your title is utter clickbait BS:

    1 – DRIVERS. Only Linux has pretty much all the drivers. This is why Haiku, FreeBSD, Serenity etc etc cannot truly challenge Linux dominance as the leading, universal open source kernel / 'OS''.

    2 – Microsoft (and no doubt Apple) depend on Linux. I bet MS' devs use Linux more than they do Windows. Microsoft HAVE to support Linux, at least server side, or bye bye Azure which makes them more money than Windows does.

    We are stuck with Linux for Intel and ARM etc now. I suspect we will need a total computing paradigm shift to occur to escape Linux. Hardware as we know it is stuck with Linux.

    AI will only truly have arrived when it fixes all of the bugs in Linux or it writes a replacement OS with as good or better driver support than what Linux offers.

  • In Linux you can just install another file manager app that works the way you want it to and set it as default. There's about 30 of them. Have you tried all 30 of them?

  • In Visual C++ 2013 days, I had a .WAD handler class that used the classic string search algo to find the various WAD lumps by-name. Profiling showed it was the only bottleneck in the whole program, so to speed it up, I statically cast the 8-byte lump names to uint64's, made sure there were no extra characters after the null char in any lump names, and instead of string comparisons, it compared the uint64's, which took the level loading time from 1.5s to 0.1s. String code is incredibly slow.

  • Have near 6 years using linux, except Manjaro who gave me a lot issues , no other distro troubled me so far.
    I don't know if Linux is the future, but I know is true operating system, having your computer control by user not from some 'services' in the shadows like windows.
    If people are lazy and want everything be ' automatically' load in RAM ,isn't Linux fault .Is different OS, different philosophy, different platform.Someone accept it or continue stick in windows.
    Had my complains too before install it in my computer. But I dared to install it, to learn about it, to see its way how work, to learn few basic CLI commands.and still learning.
    With linux, remind me the Workbench of my old Amiga. The feeling user has full control about everything.

  • Well, I haven't watched the video yet (to be fair, it's like 87 hours long), but I read the chapter titles. Have you tried Dolphin file explorer for Linux? I think it's pretty good. I actually think the Windows file explorers are not that great by themselves. I have Linux Mint with Dolphin, but on my 2nd computer I have Windows 7 but with a 3rd party custom toolbar patch added to the default file explorer that allows me to customize the toolbar. But you do bring up a good point, which is that Linux needs better graphical file managers. The Linux Mint default, Nemo, is a piece of crud; you can't even add Cut, Copy, Paste to the toolbar (but neither can you in Windows 7 without a 3rd party patch). Dolphin is highly customizable, but it could be better. My 3rd party Explorer toolbar for Win7 lets me add arbitrary commands to the toolbar like blahblah.exe %s, where %s is the path of the currently selected file(s). Can't do that in Dolphin. But I'm going to research customizing the right-click menu in Dolphin.

    I've recently started testing the Win11 file explorer, and it doesn't seem that great. Win10 file explorer is also kind of meh (but I only use Win10 at work so I don't have as much experience with it).

  • Forget all the distros there are only 2 for Linux Debian and Arch! Is it an install-and-go NO you build it. (or use one of the Distros) and you will have to tweak it based on your hardware. This guy is always full of HOT AIR! The customization and function are crazy good in Linux, you don't like how it works or looks, no worries you can change that with ezz, you can not do this with Windows. If you like others doing it for you because you're lazy, then ya Linux is not for you! I use Linux Arch for my work machine and gaming and love it way better than Windows. But hey to each there own 🙂

  • TL:DR No linux distro meets my specific needs and I want Linux to be managed just like Windows is.

  • Your arguement may be true for regular users but linux is extensively used for embedded computer systems and most web servers ive ever seen. Linux may be crappy in many ways but I dont think it will ever die

  • You said it yourself Linux is a kernel not an operating system, the desktop environment and its utilities are built around it. You went on a 20 minutes rant about how Explorer is better than Nautilus or Dolphin but didn't even mention Mac OS operates the same way linux does as far as the actual file browser except Mac OS spotlight search is 10X more powerful and useful than Windows search function. Now the NT kernel and the registry system are great for as you said file creation and linking the ability to right click and create a document wherever is quite nice, but lets also cut the BS and admit the registry structure is Windows biggest downfalls, guess what doesn't cause a kernel panic on Mac OS or Linux? A registry error and why is that? BECAUSE THEY DONT HAVE A DAMN REGISTRY. Linux and Mac OS are built for stability and security and Windows is built for compatibility in my own opinion. Linux won't ever be a mainstream desktop environment because it isn't user friendly to people who know nothing about an operating system and how it works.

  • FileExplorer is stupid shit… I tell it as daily windows user…

  • I played around with Linux in the 90s It seemed commercial programs seemed to release Windows, Mac, and LInux version of their payed software programs. Not so in 2024.I see the real problem with Linux is its open source community due to there is no money in making stuff for Linux. Max OS is basically Linux but it is not open source and there is mega money in i for software publishers. I remember Apple suing MS for the Trash can delete Icon. Lawfare does play a big part of this too.

  • For me the moment most hardware and software runs on linux, we already won. I give a shit about market share as long its big enough there is support.

  • Why doesn't linux just copy all the features of windows?
    I'd like to use linux but the things you mentioned are a huge turn off

  • "Lin-OX" can get rid of all its tech debt. Just do what M$ does, obsolete all previous apps and hardware by increasing the version number and the minimum requirements.

    I'm watching this on a Linux distro, Win 10 won't be "upgraded" to Win 11. So Windows is dead in Oct 2025.

    You seem to ignore all the crap M$ dumps on us.

    If Linux desktop environments are not to your liking and are not improving fast enough, just stick with M$ Windows.

  • Running Linux or any other non-corporate grade OS requires a very specific mindset, and it is not for turbo-normies. If you do not have this mindset or if you so without recourse need software only available on Windows, by all means, keep using Windows, it is there for you and you might even like it, big deal.

  • That windshield really neuters colours, particularly that of the grass when you compare it to the grass when you look out the driver window.

  • This is bullshit.
    Linux is the future.
    Nothing else we have today compares.

  • The major things I hate about the windows file explorer is if you have a folder with tens of thousands of files (especially photos), you have to wait several minutes for the address bar loader thing to stop, before you can see everything. And this happens every time you open the folder. I've tried all the "solutions" I could google search for, but nothing ever fixed it. I have to split up my photos into subfolders of 5k items a folder. I have a lot of pictures, memes, and screenshots. I also hate the search feature. I had to download an alternative called "Everything".

  • il file manager dolphin di kde è completo, con il selettore file di kde plasma si possono fare le cose che hai detto, è quello di gnome gtk che è più minimale

  • Biggest problem with linux for me is running old software. I wanna be able to run old versions of programs easily, have them backed up and ready to go when new ones dont work. But whole system is rigged for updates and new software, so bugs are always around the corner.

  • Android ,…..MS & special Apple are now near complete closed Systems…. …..
    your Data is not free not in your control not in your hand anymore …
    Complete Hardware systems (Bootloader/software shops) are now more & more systematical closed & will be even more soon….
    whT the world need is more focus on systems that can be used how I want …not the monopol big 5..

  • I don’t like Linux but at least I can just not use it. Git (the version control system) is much worse. It has all the shortcomings of Linux, is confusing and hard to use, but you can’t get rid of it.

  • I've been using Ubuntu/Mint since around 2005. Aside from anything else, I find the UI more intuitive and user-friendly than Windows or MacOS. It's not as pretty but the lack of bloat more than compensates. I'd trade in MS Office and Photoshop for LibreOffice and GIMP any day. It's all down to what you're used to.

  • Watching your video from a dead Linux Debian!😁

  • I'm a double dipper. No, a triple dipper. I run Windoze, Ubuntu and Hackintosh (while it's possible).

  • It's the issue of the browser, not the issue of the GNU Linux.

  • Been running Ubuntu Studio and MX Linux and have never had the problems Jody's talking about. Haven't used windows in years and have never missed it. I do all of my graphics and studio work in open source. Left Adobe's rip off shit a long time ago and don't miss it at all.

  • "is cancer" triggers me. I start to smile 😂. I switched from Windows to Mint Linux and freedom finally entered my home.😅

  • Linux might not be "THE FUTURE". But, since when did it ever needed to be? I always thought Linux was fine as it is. An alternative.

  • You make a persuasive argument for a "Source Available" OS that is not "Open Source" (freely modifiable).

    I suspect that MS has its own technical debt. There must be some design choices (I would consider them flaws) that cause each update or release of MS operating systems to be significantly more bloated and resource hungry. Do the "features" being added really justify the e-waste? Does MS Windows or MacOS today actually allow most users to be more productive than 10 years ago? I'm skeptical.

  • I love how Linux Mint Debian Edition is "just works" on my machine and still after 2 month of tinkering and DE hopping it feels solid but little bloated. I even broke my system a few days ago while I was trying to set up my swap file and was able to fix it without re-installation of the OS.

  • I see a lot of hate in the comments and I don't understand why people go to personal insults because they disagree with someone else's opinion. Linux on desktop is terrible compared to Windows in almost any single aspect. I have a feeling that people are ruining their experience for absolutely stupid reasons that they watched on some youtubers who record a billion videos about how Linux is the best operating system and that any proprietary stuff is evil. The most striking thing for me is the so-called freedom. Most Linux users think they are completely free by installing only the OS without thinking about other software they are using everyday

  • If only Linux and it's User supports an specific Distro (i.e. specific Distro for Basic User, Mid User and Power User) to make it more solid competitor against Windows and Mac instead to creating a thousand Distro because they can… Well, all I can say is, Linux has Divided Users and some are Gate Keepers…

  • Linux & its license are about end-user freedom/liberty, multiple forks & distributions are a natural & inevitable consequence of that.

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