Linux Mint 21.2 Out Now | You'll SERIOUSLY SWITCH Your OS After Watching This Video! (NEW)

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It’s a new day and we have a new Linux Mint that’s packed with stunning improvements and changes throughout. Linux Mint 21.2 may be a minor update in the name, but packs a major punch and brings many new things.
An updated Cinnamon 5.8 is the highlight of this update as it’s loaded with many cool new things this time around. New desktop customisation options, a refreshed software store and the list just goes on.

There are many changes under the hood as well. Many security and performance enhancements take this power packed release to the next level.

I did a fresh install of Linux Mint 21.2, as soon as it came out and I’ve been using it for everything. And now I’m tempted to try it on as my main distribution. You guys know I had recently switched to Debian 12, and Linux Mint is making me feel like dumping it. Will I switch to Mint though, we’ll see how I’ll feel at the end of this video. I’ll make my decision then.

For now let’s jump in and have a look at everything new in Linux Mint 21.2 “Victoria”. There’s a lot of new things so this video is going to be a fast paced countdown. Or count up?

0:00 Intro
1:50 Cinnamon 5.8
2:25 Dual tone folders icon
2:52 Styles Concept
3:40 Resizable Main Menu
4:12 Redesigned Notifications
4:41 Revamped Tooltips
5:26 Realigned Titlebar Controls
5:46 New Artwork
6:15 Refreshed software store
7:46 New Pix 3.0
8:26 XDG Portal
9:02 Symbolic icons
9:57 Gestures controls
10:37 Enhanced Warpinator
11:29 Improved Slick Greeter
12:17 X Reader Updated
12:56 Shiny Package versions
13:23 My Personal Thoughts…


by Linux Tex

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44 thoughts on “Linux Mint 21.2 Out Now | You'll SERIOUSLY SWITCH Your OS After Watching This Video! (NEW)

  • The most important for me is usability and constant support for the OS. And Linux Mint is the closest outside of Windows/Mac ecosystem.

  • I'm brand new to Linux, just started using it about a week ago on 2 donor HP laptops that the previous owner couldn't remember the Windows passwords for, (and even if he could, they were both Windows 8, 'nuff said). After a bit of distro hopping, I ultimately settled on Linux Mint, so videos like this are a big help.

  • it still looks old and nothing like mac or windows in terms of any transparency or colors or the two combined, so to me at least it still doesn't look all that great or really hardly any different than before.

  • Linux Mint is a polished distro, unfortunately, Nemo – the file manager has serious issues. e.g. it is slow to open folders, delete files, and crashes randomly. It's a deal breaker in my opinion.

  • We should think about how to improve the Start menu. It deserves innovation. It could be more than just app luncher. Maybe there could be an option to put some widgets in – like info about system, maybe weather, calendar…

  • Upgraded from 21.1 to 21.2 Victoria but lost the internet after update.
    I am connected to internet as shown by Network Manager but internet is not working

  • Hi,
    can You tell me, where is taken a wallpaper photo in 4:57 ? Thank You.

  • First Linux is NOT Windoze & that needs to be clear. If it tried to be that it would fall flat on its face. Find its strengths that help you do YOUR job well & come away satisfied instead of say having Windoze commandeer your computer every month & install god knows what bloatware? The last update gave me a cat staring at me from the LHS bottom corner looking at me like “Who are you” while I was wondering what in life did I do wrong to have a cat stare at me incessantly from the LHS bottom of my computer screen? Must have been something really bad you must think?

  • I have used Linux mint for over 5 years. Though LM 21 has had issues and I have not switched as yet. Fast search has been a feature even on 20.x

  • Dear… When i open browser, then pressed alt + z then left click mouse it function come move the windows apps. May you know how can i configure it?. Since i work with figma i unable to to zoom out because same shortcut as linux mint move windows.. may you know about this.. thanks..

  • While I didn't "switch" from anything, I am running a fresh install of Linux Mint 21.2 on a test bed machine…

  • loving this so far.. seems to use less resources then windows. Feels very snappy.

  • I used Linux Mint for several years years, and Linux for over 25 years, so I a no amateur. But I recently upgraded to version 21.2 from 21.1 which ran flawlessly. BOY WHAT A MISTAKE!!!! I just can not believe such a long time reputable company could release such a disastrous mess!! Sure, it has a lot of new good points, but they are all useless if your OS will NOT RUN because other older well known features no longer work, or barely work.

    With any version of 21.2 (Mate, Cinnamon, etc, tried them all) )the sound is completely broken and barely audible (even sound booster extensions make no difference, with ANY browser. ALSA will never turn on, manually or otherwise), the video runs only at lowered frame rates (my smart TV used as monitor was running 60 FPS, now will only do 30 FPS), the internet speeds run slower, (my Spectrum 368 MBPS is now just 250 MBPS), securer boot does not work, Bluetooth is seriously screwed up (again), and numerous other small glitches I will not bother to mention, but which I did not have before upgrade.

    Of course I went to the board and the internet (using my phone which still worked!) looking for solutions and I discovered literally thousands of similar complaints. So at least I was not alone. Luckily I had a timeshift backup so I restored my old 21.1 system and again my computer worked fine. But this is the last straw with Linux Mint. Sound and Bluetooth problems seems to be their specialty and I am not waiting for them to be fixed, again, along with all the rest. So I just downloaded the latest Ubuntu Desktop release 23.04, installed it, and all works great. BYE BYE LINUX MINT!

    Since all you ever seem to do is praise Linux Mint, it will be interesting to see if this review get posted.

  • Should have (1) a better login screen showing user image as in zorin, deepin and (2) graphical boot menu that shows boot options (show only os like windows and linux. To select other options in boot menu, ask to press some keys).

  • would be nice if they add option to lock the panel (no more accidental start menu removal)

  • Yeah, here's a problem; I just did an upgrade today (normal Mint update manager upgrade), on my 2016 HP laptop, and now I just get a black screen after I log in. What's that about, and what do I do to resolve this?

  • i use linux mint for some things but i keep a couple of puters with windows os for difficult processes that linux mimnt seems to have trouble with like " playing dvds "

  • Yes, Linux is a very good operating system. However, Linux does not open my game on Windows, but even if it does, it opens at low fps. I use Revios now, I don't need to license Windows and I'm not being tracked by Microsoft.

  • does deepin screenshot work yet ?and video downloader? these two didnt work for me so i went back. i know there is others but not with the features these two have, or simple to use.

  • I've been using Mint / Cinnamon for years, and had upgraded to 21.2 some weeks back, but lately I've had severe problems with it locking up and requiring a hard reboot to get it running again, usually while I'm on YouTube, (but then, I spend most of my time on YouTube, so . . . ). This PC has 3 switch-selectable SSD drives, so I can shutdown, select another OS, and boot back up in seconds. Has worked well for years. Win 7 worked fine til I recently deleted it. Win-10 runs with no problems. But my Mint OS drive will seize up inside of 15 minutes. Reloaded it with Ubuntu and it works fine. Reinstalled Mint 21.2 and the problems returned. Have been sampling other distros, but none work as well as Mint USED to work for me. Just reloaded 21.2 from scratch for another try before I kiss it off forever.

  • can't understand half of what you're saying. but i'll go read up on mint 21.2. thanks.

  • Hi, I was trying to download Linux without a flash drive stick but failed. What size flash drive stick would you recommend I buy?

  • Looks way too much like Windows. The trend makes me both sad and mad, because basic features that were REMOVED from older distros continue to be ignored. Mainly because todays cyberpunks are apparently fixated on emulating Windows. They should be focused on DISTINGUISHING themselves from Windows! Give us our CHOICES back! Examples:
    1) Provide an install-time option to use Xorg's display engine. Some of us need to use VNC and other remote-desktop work.
    2) Bring back single- and two-color wallpapers (i.e., generated ones), and allow different wallpapers on each virtual desktop.
    This allowed me to make a color rainbox across all my virtual desktops – so I could tell where I was just by looking at the background color.
    I had this working back in 1999.
    3) Give us a choice other than grub2 boot manager; like bringing back extended LILO. Or at least some other very simply partition selection point & shoot boot utility. Grub2 uses an "automagic" generation paradigm that both takes forever to install AND screws up when dealing with many physical drives and logical volumes that have bootable linux systems on them. And I don't want grub2 interested in many of them. Let ME choose.
    4) Allow install-time choices for multiple window managers, including a text-only mode that lets me proceed to the GUI of my choice once I'm satisfied that the system is ready for it.
    5) Allow more advanced window decorations and choices about window components (like width of margins, scrollbars, their colors, two-tone title bars, window-shade roll-up controls that actually work, etc.

  • The gestures are bad actually the worst thing on linux.

  • Thanks for an awesome review and detailed walkthrough. After having seen this video I decided to install mint 21.2 instead of pop, and am absolutely loving it. I have dual booted my system, but surely will be using this one as my daily driver.
    Also the web apps help for office 365 type tools.

  • I used mint 6 months ago. I seriously spent more time on daily updates than being productive

  • That's all well and good, but when will any version of Linux remember where an application's window last opened and reopen it in the same place? Do that, and I'm in. I'm tired of having to reposition every new app from the upper-left corner to where I need it to be.

  • I wonder why all of these reviewers are FASCINATED by the appearance of the UI but never mention the functionality of the OS.

  • Been using Mint for years, I never even noteced the changes to the visuals on the icons! Not an important change for me!

  • currently using this and i have to say i am impressed loved it

  • what ram usage does a fresh install look like with this new version?

  • Yeah, the Mate edition falls short, the composition manager stinks, and Steam doesn't play well with Nvidia and Marco+composition. Had to install Picom. Don't really like Cinnamon what's so ever.

  • Is this friendly with low end laptop ?, and i mean it like low end (celeron N3150 1.6GHz, 2GB ram, and still use HDD). I mainly use it for school and sometimes for learing code

  • They're getting in there, now they just need to let go of those disgusting square icons

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