Linux Saloon 93 | Application Appetizer Snaps Edition

Tonight we are going to explore the wonders of the Snap packages on the distribution of your choice. Bring your favorite Snaps! Tell us what you enjoy about the universal packaging system they call “Snaps.”

If you have an suggestions for topics, be they news, distributions, applications or anything that is Linux, tech or open source related, comment below or send an email to suggestions@linuxsaloon.com

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00:05:46 Introductions
00:07:10 Nate Framework Callisto Mashup Machine
00:42:12 StrawPoll How many snaps do you use normally in your desktop and in your server(s) in total?

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2 thoughts on “Linux Saloon 93 | Application Appetizer Snaps Edition

  • @Ron Singh (40:13 min), principally, with OpenPrinting I support all distros, or all Posix-style operating systems, I do not directly integrate the stuff into each OS, naturally. Ubuntu is derived from Debian and therefore we work together very closely at Canonical. For printing I am working closely together with the Debian printing maintainers, currently Thorsten Alteholz, and I try to keep the delta between Ubuntu as low as possible, most packages of the printing stack are identical in Debian and Ubuntu.

  • And it turned out not to be just about Snaps, but also about Ubuntu Core Desktop, OpenPrinting, Snap packaging workshops and how this all came together …

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