Linux – SSH for Remote Administration
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SSH allows you to remotely administer Linux Servers
SSH is a Client/ Server System.
SSH requires Port 22 to be accessible
Change Network setting in VirtualBox to “Bridged Adapter”
Install OpenSSH Server on your Linux System
Use a Client application to connect to the server. MacOS has SSH built into the terminal application. PuTTY is a good SSH app for Windows. there are a number of client apps for Android and iOS.
sudo systemctl status sshd – Check status of OpenSSH Service on Ubuntu
sudo service sshd status – Also works to check on OpenSSH Service status
sudo apt install openssh-server – Install OpenSSH Server on Ubuntu
ifconfig – Shows you the IP address off your Linux Server
ssh username@ipaddress – Connect to SSH Server using Terminal in MacOS
by Eli the Computer Guy
linux web server